Only an estimated 1% of cases are reported to VAERS. Is that correct?

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I presented 26Jan2023 to the subject U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) “Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee”

Here are my slides.

There were two conversations – the vaxx-injured want the toxic-and-ineffective Covid-19 vaxxes stopped now; the drug companies and the FDA Committee seemed utterly deaf to those concerns.

Regards, Allan MacRae, Calgary



Allan MacRae, Calgary


VRBPAC (Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee) meeting.

January 26, 2023

Docket No. FDA-2022-N-1608


Studied Covid-19 full-time for 3 years since Jan2020.

29Jan2020 - Cancelled my 4Feb flight to Thailand via China due to early news of Covid-19.

Feb2020 – Identified the Covid-19 “pandemic” as a scam based on credible foreign data.

20Mar2020 – Learned that our Alberta hospitals were EMPTY and decided to publish.

21Mar2020 - Published that the Lockdowns were not justified and would be net harmful.

4Oct2020 – World experts published identical conclusions in their Great Barrington Declaration.

8Jan2021 – Advised my governments to NOT release the dangerous, toxic Covid-19 injections.


Data showed the virus was only fatal to the very elderly and infirm – not younger people.

No significant “Excess Deaths” in Alberta or Canada in the 12 months ending 1Jul2020.

Hype was identical to the Climate (CAGW - Catastrophic Manmade Global Warming) scam.

CAGW scam was proved false in 1990, 2008 & 2013 – CO2 changes lag temperature changes.

The same “usual suspects“ promoted both the Climate and Covid scams and linked them.

PCR tests & false positives; Ivermectin was banned; “Vaccines” caused the variants; etc.

Both the Covid-19 Lockdowns and “Vaccines” were ineffective, hugely harmful and often fatal.


Stop ALL Covid-19 injections immediately; DO NO MORE HARM!

Make available the best medical treatment to reduce harm to the vaxxed;

Make inexpensive, voluntary, over-the-counter “Ivermectin Plus” packages widely available for treatment of the Covid illness and the vaxx-injured.

Reinstate and compensate the un-vaxxed who were dismissed from their employment.

Reinstate those who were persecuted because they spoke out against the Covid-19 fraud.

My FDA presentation of Thursday starts here:


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Revelations from the BIBLE against dictatorships




We must demand the visura, the publication of the assets of the high offices, of the judiciary by virtue of transparency


If instead of bullets or atomic bombs the obligatory vaccine for everyone with toxic


The CIA and its massacre protocol


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These numbers will just keep on increasing unfortunately.

Of course. Absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with any injections.

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Jan 28, 2023·edited Jan 28, 2023

Hi Peter, Thank for the update. So just theorizing here ... if the URF is still say 40, that 228 is OMgosh. Not saying it isn't still 40. That puts that weeks total at 40*228=9120. Yikes.

So two thoughts, one possibility is it is what it is (see below at end). Or the other is maybe the URF is somewhat lower as maybe some folks are waking up (this is an anecdotal possibility as I have not seen indications that folks would be reporting more or that the level of suppression has reduced).


If it is what it is, one possibility is that Steve Kirsch has talked about deaths just after the bio-weapon shots, and also a ~5 month delta after. I'm wondering of we are seeing the 5 month ... or possibly an even larger delta coupled with the winter months?

Any thoughts? Thanks, T.

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Jan 28, 2023·edited Jan 28, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

The newly defined 'Killing Fields', massively under- reported by an order of magnitude.

So it is likely, elsewhere. That will, in the end, be their savage undoing.

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I pray you’re correct.

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My dad was killed by them 11-12-21. Massive heart attack 4 days after his “booster” and a week after he received a clean bill of health...

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I am no longer surprised or shocked by the number of emails and posts like yours.

All the medics, MSM and social media reporters and censors, teachers, police, judges/magistrates/solicitors/barristers, politicians and the silent scientists are in the living hell of being part of random murder and assault causing grievous bodily harm by lethal injection - standing by like the jack-booted prison guards of WWII.

Thoughts and prayers to you - from the millions more trusting and good people than there are evil ones.

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