Another week, another 79 (v 107 last week) Americans reported dead to VAERS amongst 1,733 (v 2,885 last week) adverse events.
From here and here there were 79 deaths amongst 2,885 adverse events (US only) reported for the week ended 10 February 2023. This lifts the cumulative number of US deaths reported to VAERS to 16,903 and the number of adverse events to 936,484.
Total reports to VAERS from all round the world (including the US) for doses made by US companies reporting to the FDA/CDC, were for another 115 deaths amongst 3,568 adverse events for the week, lifting cumulative reports of death to 34,385 amongst 1,521,347 adverse events.
I have no update to share for European adverse events and deaths since this at the 12 November 2022 from Vaccine Impact here:
Assuming an Under-Reporting Factor (URF) of 40, this would represent 675,220 US deaths amongst 37.5 million adverse events. Globally, deaths for companies reporting to the US VAERS would be 1,375,400 amongst adverse events of 60.9 million injuries.
671 million doses have been administered in the US and 13.29 billion doses globally.
Note the casualties reported to the US - adjusted for a URF of 40 - is not an estimate of deaths and injuries globally from C19 injections of all sorts (e.g. viral vector or mRNA injections) just the casualties from companies reporting in to the US VAERS (mostly Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna, Novavax and JnJ).
The US VAERS plus EU EUDRA numbers can be multiplied by around 6-8 to “globalize” estimated deaths and injuries. India for example mostly uses viral vector injections (EUDRA shows these to be even more deadly than mRNA). China does not publish adverse event data – but I doubt that it would be backward in coming forward if China’s vaccines were better than either viral vector or mRNA injections. India and China are far the biggest “injectors” of C19 vaccines with 5.6 billion doses administered between them out of 13.3 billion doses administered in total globally.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccinations - Our World in Data
From here, the number of US doses administered increased by 0.7 million (same as last week) to 671 million. 0.4 million of this 0.7 million were bivalent doses, increasing the number of bivalent doses administered since authorization on 31 August 2022, to 52.9 million.
The number of tots subject to attempted murder and maiming by their parents increased by just 10,000 over the week (correcting a constant spreadsheet entry of 20,000?) over the week to 1.84 million, since authorization on 18 June 2022 (out of around 22.5 million tots in the US).
Out of 2.5 million doses shipped around the US last week (same number as shipped last week), just 0.7 million were used, again the same as last week). The number of unused doses sitting in US freezers is now 290.2 million (v 288.4 million last week) almost all of which are obsolete as they have been replaced by bivalent doses.
For the US, in total, 961 million doses have been shipped with 671 million doses administered,, leaving 290 million unused. The percentage of unused doses out of those shipped remained at a whopping 30%. The vast majority of these 290 million doses are obsolete and either past or approaching their “use by” dates. The US had ordered around 1.22 billion a few months ago, so there is, potentially, at least another quarter billion doses on the way, presumably NOT for the old monovalent doses, but all for the new and disproved bivalent doses.
We should be seeing stories of the destruction (via highly specialized incinerators) of around 250 million doses in the US shortly. (20 bucks each = the odd 5 billion bucks up in smoke). This same phenomenon applies globally – mass destruction of obsolete doses. We saw stories la few weeks ago that other devices are past their “use by” dates when Germany announced its intentions to destroy 800 million stale masks. Australia announced yesterday that would be destroying 27 million of its obsolete doses for its population of 26 million.
From here, Europe has 457 million unused doses (no updates for a few weeks). The US plus EU alone have almost three quarters of a billion unused doses (747 million). Assuming the US + EU represents 25% of the global C19 mRNA market by population, there could be a whopping 4 billion doses in freezers elsewhere that need to be incinerated – if they have not been already.
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I have noticed that Bourla and Gates have not died suddenly. Did they forget to take their own poison? Or was it just for everyone else. Asking for a friend.
Hmm, the VAERS death count was 29,000 less than a year ago, & that was after thousands of cases has mysteriously disappeared. WE CANNOT TRUST THE GOVERNMENT'S NUMBERS. THEY ARE FAR WORSE. Before these numbers reversed, a Harvard study said only 1% of adverse effects are reported to VAERS. Try 3M Americans killed. BTW, FDA terminated the experimental vaccine for 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu pandemic after 53 deaths. What is the difference now?