Peter, you read my mind, lol 😂. I’m sitting here thinking, how exactly does a phone app protect me or cure me from whatever is being released on us? I’m still scratching my head.

Isn’t funny how all the people got a long in the world just fine before with colds, flu’s and typical respiratory bugs, without being tracked? I mean you pretty much knew right off the bat somebody had a cold or what have you. So, your common sense kicked in and said, hmmm I think I’ll keep my distance for now. Novel isn’t it, lol 😆.

But, nope no more, you need an app for that! Oh, my stomach hurts from laughing at the sheer stupidity, lol 😝.

Anyone with just one tiny brain cell can see this for what it is, CONTROL.

What happens if this app goes rouge and develops a runaway sequence stating, oh chit everyone is sick, lock them up! Hello fema death camps, just what the who lizard people ordered.

I don’t use cell phones for one reason only, OK two because I have an aversion to being tracked and they invade my peace & quiet. And now these asshat lizard people want to track my health status, Yep, when hell freezes over!

I’ve made it this far unscathed, I’m going to throw caution to the wind and go for another 40-50 years all on my own! Imagine that? Bet that really steams their clams, lol 😂.

Who knew taking care of your own health by eating real unadulterated foods, drinking pure clean water, getting some sunshine and moving was so rebellious?

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So What's The Count ?

How Many Died From The Sniffles ?

And How Many Died

Because They Were Afraid Of The Sniffles ?


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This is why I tell people to get rid of their smart phones. The WHO should be dismantled starting with their murderous leader Tedros.

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Does not apply to illegals crossing borders.

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It's a cull and control operation. Hard not to see it that way when you consider all the evidence.

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