Any US action that complies with WHO health regulations must be approved by Congress - Congress never ratified or agreed to IHR's - the WHO has launched COVINET
As you read this, consider what might happen if a splinter group, led by the EU, China, Canada and Russia evolves to form a “World ex-US” or “World ex-US and UK” group.
From here:
Good Morning CHD | Childrens Health Defense
First Florida already has legislation that bans the adoption of WHO guidelines.
At the 13:41 minute mark
And perhaps more interestingly, although the US never ratified the WHO International Health Treaty, it did stipulate this.
Let’s start with a petition from 15 State Attorneys General:
Obama started the pandemic hoax, his last day in office, PHEIC’s are redefined to be declared by the WHO not the HHS.
That is illegal. Only Congress has the power to transfer decision making sovereignty and Congress has never approved the transfer of such power. (At around the 17 minute mark.
In 1948.
The Treaty was never ratrified by US Congress and so has NO LEGAL STATUS in the US.
Don’t forget that the Louisiana Senate just gave the big middle finger to ANY supranational organisation dictating regulations, guidelines and laws in that State. It passed 27-0!!!
Lastly, the WHO wants to grow its budget from around 3 billion bucks to 30 billon bucks for the administration of the international health agreement AND 10 billion for the Pandemic Agreement.
It’s only money and it’s yours – though the government will either borrow the US share of the money from the magic money tree OF MASSIVE DEBT that always feeds the (global) socialist beast – or your taxes will have to go up to cover the US share of 38-billion-dollar increase.
Lots more from CHD in the remaining half hour of the podcast – especially sharing any bioweapons developed by any country that can be called Disease X.
Meryl reveals that each of MERS, bird flu, or SARS-COV1 killed around 1,000 over the years f their existence. James Corbett revealed that the WHO has launched COVINET – which has every sort of corona virus old, new and bioweapon.
The scary thought is that, even if the US does not agree, the Rest of the World might proceed without the US – to get dominated by China and Russia.
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Russia doesn't pick my pocket
Does any legislation clearly remove US from the WHO or from any support there of?
And from the UN?