I went down through the OGTR list of approved GMO 'dealings' and the aerosolised vaccine is not mentioned. I think you need to check the 'Government website link' yourself as this is or would be bombshell news if true. But it isn't mentioned. Perhaps the full OGTR document embedded in the article to prove it's existence?

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I think others would have picked it up in Australia if authentic. The scrutiny is intense. Thanks for checking.

The video has been removed - I hope not by the thought police with an arrest of the perp!

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No need to apologize Peter. This is not in your control and you are always very nice to cross-post important pieces. Keep doing what you're doing. We really appreciate you!

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I have noticed that Lioness site has questionable information and exaggeration.

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Yeah, I also noticed some exaggerated and certain facts not checking out. But, it is up to readers to discern with their critical thinking lenses.

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I noticed the same on 2nd Smartest and a few others that are connected to the resistance. They make us look bad. I saw another one yesterday that was presenting a study as if it were breaking and it was 6 months old.

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Part of my Twitter description reads "De omnibus dubitandum," which basically means Question Everything!

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