"Two billion doses of AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine supplied to countries across the world less than 12 months after first approval".

Based on a full 12 months (and this was "less than") that's 166,666,666 a month.

5,555,555 a day.

231,481 an hour.

Not buying it.

This was being stockpiled well before the big reveal.

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I've only skimmed through this for now but I would say that1 death per 800 doses must be vast underestimation. I'm retired and don't have a wide circle of friends/acquaintances. And yet I know or know of many people who have died since getting the shots and many more who have become ill incl. seriously ill and who are likely to pass in not too distant future. Also hearing ambulance sirens picking up again after a couple of months during which they seemed to slow down. Local newspaper constantly reporting sudden deaths, mainly my age group - mid-60s-70s - but also much younger people. This is likely to get much worse, even if many people are now refusing to take any more boosters. Damage has been done. Have filed to read more carefully later.

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

I wrote, "Disease X" & The Alchemy Of 100 Days ~ Is the Davos cabal hoisting itself by its own petard? ~ August 2022. https://drlatusdextro.substack.com/p/disease-x-and-the-alchemy-of-100

Given the obvious, that all deaths henceforward until proved otherwise, may implicate the polynucleotide/LNP/plasmid cocktail, I can think of three victims of turbo cancers I directly know of (1 galloping bowel carcinoma, 1 galloping lung cancer, one undisclosed) and a large cluster of autoimmune conditions.

The irony of supposedly 'eminent' university research scientists that lost their ability to undertake critical thinking is not lost, .... just when it might have served them well, while the bureaucracy that imposed the shots grinds on mercilessly.

So, waiting in the wings, as "??prophesied??" by CEPI, "Disease X." https://cepi.net/news_cepi/preparing-for-the-next-disease-x/.

And the dozing people still don't 'get it'.

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Maybe they will get Cult members to poison the water


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Personally, I rather think the Davos elite are setting themselves up for exactly just that. They appear to be accumulating (along with their WHO/UNEP sycophants) huge amounts of goodwill.

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Crimes against humanity need to be followed by mass executions of all involved. It may be hundreds or thousands executed and I say whatever it takes to rid the world of these truly evil people!!

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agreed. I would go with public executions, drawn and quartered preferably. If we started doing that, this madness would stop! But alas, the very people we need to makes arrests and prosecute these mass murderers are either owned by Pharma or enough afraid of Pharma that it's looking more and more likely the mass murderers will get away with it. The Nobel Prize, for crying out loud!!

('course, Nobel doesn't exactly have a stellar record: In 1949 they gave the prize to the butcher who invented the lobotomy, and they gave the Peace Prize to Henry Kissinger who's responsible for killing 50,000 American boys and 3 million southeast Asians, and to O-bomb-uh who out bombed Bush by more than 50,000 bombs and expanded the wars into 4 new countries.) But still, it's the publicity. "They gave the Nobel Prize in medicine to the people who SAVED 10 million lives by inventing the mRNA vaxx"!!! :-\

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Rancourt's analysis was done using countries that administered mRNA "vaccines". We don't know what vac technology was used in Russia or China, so we can't make any assumptions about number of deaths in those countries. I would leave Russia and China out of the tally.

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I don't know 800 vaccinated people but I know two that are dead after getting it.

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We also have a severely neurologically damaged cousin after Pfizer times 2. I could go on and on about what I have seen at my work(school nurse).

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I know of 3 deaths, and for me that's out of maybe 150 people I know who got the injections. 3 deaths and 7 serious, life changing injuries.

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That would be for 1540 x 2 doses = 300, 3 deaths = 1 death per 100 doses. If that held true for 13.5 billion doses globally, it would put the global death count at 135 million..

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okay, so that probably doesn't jibe with the total number of excess deaths. Because of my small sample size (150 people X 2 doses each = 300 doses --> 3 deaths), I have to assume that an inordinate number of those 150 people ended up with a jab from one of the hot batches.

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your lived experience is as valid as anyone else's.

perhaps there were hot lots.

in this upside down world, it may be that "clusters" of casualties exist, rather than an even spread across a wide area.

i believe rancourt is going to publish on this very issue in the next month or so.

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I need to study Rancourt's analysis more thoroughly. What I'd like to see is the total globally of all excess deaths since December 2020.

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Two in your social circle of maybe 100 or 200?


That would make the lethality - assuming two doses each - 1 death per 100 doses or one in 200 doses.

The one death in 100 doses is the ratio calculated for India in those 4 months in 2021.

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I would agree that anecdotally, one death in 100 is probably closer to the truth than 1 in 800.

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