Australian documentary that details why ALL “renewables” require 100% back-up by hydrocarbons such as natural gas – tripling (at least) the size of Australian electricity bills.
Here is a 68-mminute documentary that goes through all the costs of electricity generation in Australia to explain why Australian power bills have gone up so much and will continue to do so.
(29) The Real Cost of Net Zero: The shocking truth of the renewable energy push - YouTube
You will find out why wholesale electricity generation costs have increased from around 30 bucks per MWH to closer to 300 bucks – all due to renewables.
Remember the natural gas futures price in the USA is around 3 bucks per MWH.
Spurning cheap coal and gas fired electricity in favour of ugly, expensive, intermittently useless and soon to be obsolete – “renewables” is a farce.
(29) The Real Cost of Net Zero: The shocking truth of the renewable energy push - YouTube
It looks like a pretty good video!
By now it is obvious that “renewable” energy requires a different infrastructure to supply Australian households. It has to be entirely backed up by reliable power – that is, natural gas – 100% of the time.
A logical response would be to use renewables as a supplement to natural gas or similar (pending nuclear) and reduce the price to Australian consumers when “renewables” are producing electricity – and charge consumers for cheap natural gas in he meanwhile.
I penned an article which blows up the Australian “greens” desire reduce GLOBAL emissions and remove coal fired power stations. Australia exports more coal to China (and elsewhere) than it does domestically. Exporting and facilitating huge amounts of CO2 emissions
The article can be supplemented with this fun fact:
“To break down the domestic consumption, we can refer to another snippet: “Australia only uses 15% of its 147.4 billion tons of coal for domestic use.”
“… assume the 15% domestic consumption percentage is applied to the total annual consumption rather than the total coal reserves. This would result in:
129,642,679 tons (annual consumption) x 0.15 (domestic consumption percentage) ≈ 19,495,910 tons per year
Rounding this figure to the nearest thousand tons, Australia uses approximately 19,500,000 tons of coal domestically per year.”
“Export Volume: Australia’s coal export volumes have grown at an average annual rate of 2.5% from 302 Mt in 2011-12 to 363 Mt in 2020-21.”
Around 20 million tons within Australia – around 360 million tons exported.
It follows that Australia electricity bills are around TEN TIMES what they should b – courtesy of the dogma involved in the roll-out of “renewables.
And remember - THERE IS NO CLIMATE CRSIS – so the entire promise of renewables is false and a lie intended to induce global energy poverty and create a world of excited misery – the Cult of Moloch.
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I just watched the docu and the ONLY thing one could say about the whole green mythe is that it is THE stupidest thing man has EVER done, of course together with that other mega crime, the so called 'vaccinations'.
And because our system is so thoroughly rotten, we will also see in due course when and if blackouts occur everywhere, there will again be different parties, who will again take advantage of that, etc. If you live as a citizen in a big city you actually have to get out of there fast. And then you immediately realize [again] why in the near future the wilderness will become forbidden territory for ordinary citizens. Free nature will become the area where you could still survive, but of course the powers that be doesn't want it, because then you as a citizen won't have to pay for ALL the mismanagement that politics together with multinationals and the media CAUSE !
And we are also beginning to understand even better why the WEF devoted an entire conference to implementing so-called preeminence / combating “mis- and disinfromation”!!! The whole sustainability ideology is in danger of complete failure, in addition to all the other NWO Blob plans, such as the greatest medical crime of all time, so called 'vaccinations'. And then, of course, things get tricky for the power conglomerate in terms of information management, don't they? I recently signed a contract with a Dutch Energy supplier with the absurd name “Greenchoice. Then I received a confirmation via email in which they proudly informed me that all my electricity will now come entirely from wind turbines. If I were an MSM addict, I would love that info, but alas. I saw the docu and I started thinking. . .
And with the so-called green energy comes the destruction of our environment-isn’t that what we are meant to be saving - and a total eyesore where once was natures beauty