Aug 5, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Hi Peter, if not yet viewed, suspect you will want to watch this interview although the widespread ramifications are rather disturbing - no meaningful safety trials, no long term trials, yet the beat goes on? "Del Bigtree: The Vaccine Placebos Lie and Taking Regulatory Agencies to Court" - - https://rumble.com/v34g7dp-del-bigtree-the-vaccine-placebos-lie-and-taking-regulatory-agencies-to-cour.html - - near the end, Del explains how this 40 or 50 year old game keeps going.

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Yes what Del says is true.. but, see this from here https://peterhalligan.substack.com/p/weekly-c19-update-cases-and-deaths

"Sasha Latypova summarized the reasons for the suppression of IVM/HCQ treatment protocols and the use of Remdesivir in this short video.

Sasha Latypova's Presentation and Q & A (rumble.com)


In short, there was a National Health Emergency so control of the country was passed to the military. All civil rights and laws were suspended – including those of Congress – under the constitutional PREP act. BARDA took over and hospitals and medics were controlled by BARDA - these institutions were protected from prosecution ONLY IF they followed BARDA instructions - via HHS = to the letter..

BARDA took over the government of the US as a military dictatorship.

Here’s a link to the BARDA website.

Medical Countermeasures | USA Public Health Security

Which features this on its home page:

"Explore the Products

“Celebrating 80 FDA Approvals, Licensures, and Clearances for Medical Countermeasures. Supported by BARDA under Novel Public Private Partnerships.”

All logistics for manufacturing, transporting and delivering C19 mRNA injections were controlled by BARDA – the injections belonged to BARDA until they entered arms - hence the compulsory 60:40 split between the administration of Pfizer:Moderna doses, for example.

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Aug 5, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Hi Peter, yes, Barda had no reason for FDA to be involved in the process or oversee shot rollout, their advertising and broadcast inputs were mostly theater. In Addition? thanks for finding this insulin discussion! "AI Nanotech In Insulin- Dr. Ana Mihalcea, Dr. Joseph Sansone On Unrestricted Truth - DEFCON5 - With James Grundvig" - - falling out of my chair...

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We are already out of time to help the injured from C19 vaccines and they are going to go for it again with RSV, Anthrax, as well as reformulated vaccines for all other infections. All with unanimous approval from the usual suspects.

This nightmare must end now, with prosecutions and more prosecutions.

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Just saw a RSV commercial with Magic Johnson.

Nothing 'magic' about this death shot.

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This story makes me want to vomit, why are mothers allowing their infants to be injected over and over again, are they stupid or what. When my daughter was born in 1969 she got the 3 shots and she never got anymore, thank God she's had no adverse reactions from them. My grandchildren were not so lucky, all three have asthma and allergies. When this nightmare ends and it will, I want to see everyone of the doctors, nurses, politicians and media people dragged into a courtroom and found guilty of crimes against humanity, then put to death.

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