Whenever I see DEI, my brain sees DIE…can’t think why. 😉

Maybe reflects a very conscious wish for a pox on all their houses.

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Surely, this doesn't mean all the "Club members" are going to abandon the "Green New Deal" in one fell swoop, right?

That would be like every corporate executive telling their employees, "Don't worry about getting those useless vaccines."

They've gone too far down the Green Brick Road to turn around now. At least, that's what I think.

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Yes. And apart from potential shareholder action, there may well be liability for requiring those jabs if pharma fraud is proven, as it should be.

Another promising field for legal action is the reality of jabs shedding on the unjabbed, and the illnesses thus conferred. Pharma was well aware of this ’feature’. A veritable legal minefield once the masses realize the extent of the harms done, or to be done, to them too.

Successfully litigating these breaches will require an actual working justice system, the unlikelihood of which mitigates your doubts ATM. Still, a little more food for thought.

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They can't have one member of the captured club "break ranks." If this happens, they are probably toast. But they've held their ranks so far.

Just ONE case that goes to trial in front of an honest judge and honest jury ... and they'd all be toast. In fact, the whole damn country might have to declare bankruptcy. The government would be facing reparations claims of about 999 trillion dollars. Can our Magic Printing Press print that much digital money?

If you're going to commit a crime, make sure it has millions of VIP conspirators ... and you'll have nothing to worry about.

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QED, alas.

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My understanding is they've not ditched it but altered their definitions.

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