We know what's going to happen. Excess deaths due to covid vax will destabilise the baseline of expected deaths to a degree so it will be higher and will obscure the true rate of excess. ONS do however exclude 2020 for their calculations for the 2023 baseline although they worded it horribly. Excess deaths were lower in prior weeks probably due to Easter.

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In MCM's most recent newsletter on older celebrities like Gordon Lightfoot passing away suddenly, he mentioned the late queen & prince Philip and a commenter suggested they may have been jabbed with the real thing as Charles was getting impatient to implement his globalist plans. I wouldn't put it past him actually.

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Uhhh...that's HIS plan people. He want to kill you and your children, if they are deemed to be "useless eaters" or of no value to him.

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King Charles probably set the depopulation goals: a major world Economic Forum participant, if not the real ruler.

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'Prince' Charles is not even a real prince on more than one account, firstly that another person entirely, actually a member of the House of Lords, as was documented on TV by Tony Robinson, should really be the proper king now, but he has expressed his disinterest in such a role (likely understanding he would soon have a fatal 'accident' otherwise, as happened to the former royal bodyguard of Princess Diana with whom she had had an affair and then later to herself and Dodi Fayed), and secondly, because the 'British' royal family is legally invalidated from being able to act in such a role since around the time of the First World war when the royal family changed its name.

It is fortunate for sex-case supernonce 'Charles' that he is now legally totally immune to ever being arrested for any crimes whatsoever, including two serious sex offences that two uniformed serving British police officers told me some years ago during a long conversation in person with them that the then Prince Charles had been accused of but obviously not been put on trial for, during his years of intimate association with the crypto-Jewish 'Catholic' Jimmy Savile, who said he was more Jewish than most Jews.

Jimmy Savile was a friend of the Yorkshire Ripper, Peter Sutcliffe, both before and after his arrest and imprisonment. Staff members at the top security Broadmoor mental hospital that Sutcliffe was placed in noted how Savile who had oddly been given a senior managerial position there was immediately on very familiar and friendly terms with Sutcliffe and spent a great deal of time in his cell with him.

Two bodies of the victims attributed to the Yorkshire Ripper were found within several hundred yards of Jimmy Savile's home, and at one time, Jimmy Savile was one of the prime suspects himself as the Yorkshire Ripper. Jimmy Savile at one time said "I am the Yorkshire Ripper case". Maybe Mad King Jeoffrey Baratheon Prince Charles, who said he is descended from Vlad the Impaler (who was actually Jewish and is a photographic replica of him), and Jimmy Savile and Peter Sutcliffe used to have some wild parties together involving a few fatal blood sports. Broadmoor is where Prince Charles should be, not on the throne as King Charles III. I know more than this but won't enlarge upon this here. And where else should someone like him be in any case who is a principal supporting member of the Israeli criminal terrorist government WEF organization that believes in killing 7.5 billion of the world population, using COVID bioweapons and then the Ukraine war as a pretext to initiate widespread nuclear war to wipe out most of the last remaining 800 million white people in the world?

Charles also associates with another sex offender, as yet unconvicted, for similar obvious reasons, who some years ago at least was in the habit of inviting young female sex workers back somewhere and without telling them what he was really into or going to do, then took off his leather belt and then whipped the young women till blood was streaming down their backs, then bunging them out of the door with 400 or 500 quid and telling them to keep their mouths shut. A former counselor who I knew who was also a United Nations scientific consultant who also worked voluntarily as a counselor, told me of several such ladies who had such been victims of Baron Jeffrey Archer, a former Conservative MP (Baron Archer of Weston-super-Mare). These ladies told him of many similar cases involving their associates, and of the police having a huge pile of such reports that they deliberately just kept ignoring and held on file. No doubt because 'Charles' had used his 'influence' there as well. I saw Baron Archer sitting right next to Prince Charles in the royal enclosure at the Hyde Park Japan Festival in London some years ago, Prince Charles walked close enough to me to shake hands with him as many others did, but I would not demean myself to offer my hand.

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Chuck y deserves whatever he gets as he is complicit in this evil. No sympathy for his royal...(whatever)

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The New Normal

Doesn’t Last As Long

As The Old Normal.

With The New Normal

You Die Ten Years Sooner.


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Even sooner if you are younger.

I liked the Australian sub-stacker paradigm - each shot removes 25% of your immune system response. Prior to C19 your immune system wore out on average after 70 odd years or so. After two doses and a booster anyone who is 30-40 years old now has a shot immune system in just five to ten years - and a high probability of death from something or other in their 50's/60's - a reduction in life expectancy of 20-30 years.

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You say bad news for his coronation.. We say it is good news for his corona coronation.. The only reason he is being coronated, is because he followed orders, so without the deaths from this kingdom since its inception, he would not be King, the person who was willing to do the ELITES bidding and kill kill kill would be king.. If you do not do what they say they assassinate you.. Look back through Europe's history.. He did what he was told to do along with his mother and her mother and back to all the kings... No different here in the USA..

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"Another week of shockingly high EXCESS DEATHS" ....and yet none of the elites are ever part of that group anywhere around the world..... hmmmm.... 🤔

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Why? Because they knew exactly what they were doing and didn’t take the kill shots.

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Thank you`! Hail Star of Ocean, portal of the sky...

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