Feb 8·edited Feb 8Liked by Peter Halligan

Good spot about the even death split. I know that VAERS purged many European reports in Nov 22, perhaps all. Prior to that I also recall that the majority of the UK Pfizer and Moderna injury reports were missing anyway although the known death reports were almost in line. They could be working up to prescribed totals. Certainly UK injury reports went down: Pfizer from initially 3 per 1000 doses going down to 1 on the booster to then 0.5 on the autumn 22 shot. Moderna declines from 6 to 2 to 0.5. MHRA's stance is that new vaccination campaigns start higher and then decline (for whatever reason). There is some evidence for this but this sharply? The booster jab in the elderly is now less injurious than the HPV jab in kids by this data.

I have an update with regards to the Chief Coroner who came through and provided me with the info I asked for.

"2.12 However, it is concerning that the number of cases over 12 months within the system has increased during the period covered by this report.

In April 2021, there were 5,013 cases in England and Wales that were not completed within 12 months of being reported to the coroner. For comparison, in 2019 (incomplete data exists for 2020), there were 2,278 such cases. The impact of the pandemic on case progression is therefore clearly visible.

2.13 In April 2022, there was a reduction in the number of cases over 12 months

old, down to 4,568, which is a welcome improvement, although there is much still to do"


This data doesn't show the impact by the vaccine as the high of 5013 cases in 2021 were cases dating back to 2020 and before. Then of course it declines a little. In terms of unregistered or mass secret deaths (and these ones in the report aren't registered or on any ONS table), there doesn't appear to be a problem at this end. However I skimmed the report.

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Government numbers NEVER make any sense because they are ALL rigged, fudged, and FALSE.

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