Behaviour modification intensifies in Canada – starting April Fool’s Day the carbon tax will be 17 cents per litre on gasoline, 21 cents per litre on diesel and 15 cents per cubic metre of natural gas
As you read this article, keep in mind that the entire premise is based on “faux science”. There is no climate emergency.
Carbon dioxide is an essential gas for plant and animal life.
Only followers of a Cult – that I call the Cult of Moloch – believes ay of the “global boiling” crap. Cult members think that carbo is the same as carbon dioxide and call hydrocarbons “fossils” – both of which point to their ignorance of facts ad science.
Canadians in each Province should be asking a few questions, like:
· What it’s the “ideal” level pf CO2 in Canada and how is it determined?
· What is the temperature for each level of CO2 for every 50 parts per million of CO2 from 300-600.
· What change in levels od CO2 are estimated by these policies?
· How much money will be raised by these policies.
· How much impact does CO2 from outside Canada have? Are Canadians paying for CO2 blow I from elsewhere?
· How much CO2 is emitted by people and how much is absorbed by Canada’s forests and oceans plus crops and hardens?
· How are levels of CO2 measured to gauge the success or failure of policies? I think that a dew doze sites I each province before ad after past “carbon tax” policies should be available – as should CO2 levels going forward. Maybe in different urban and rural settings.
The answers to these questions (and many more) will be false, unavailable or obfuscated in the “Newspeak”. Of the Cult as they would reveal the criminal fraud ad racketeering that is pervasive globally via the climate change scam.
Back to the tax hikes.
From here:
Canada's carbon tax to increase on April 1 | CTV News
“Beginning on April 1, the federal government will be increasing the price on carbon pollution by $15 per tonne, continuing with its plan to increase it each year until 2030.”
Enquiring minds want to know where this “carbon pollution” is, how it is determined and whether there is credit given to say, for example, the number of “CO2 converting units” – trees and plants on individual, province and federal land. The umbers are bound to be fake ad correcting them is a political decision not a mathematical or scientific or even an environmental one.
Many provinces have wasted large sums on wind turbines which should have reduced the output from hydrocarbon emissions – but there is no sign of price reductions anywhere, let alone “free power”.
“As Canada's carbon tax rate is set to increase beginning next month, new polling data suggests the majority of Canadians are against the idea of paying even more for fuel.”
“… seven in 10 Canadians oppose the upcoming hike.”
No surprises there!
People and businesses get “rebates” – a complex system that keeps lots of bureaucrats’ trousers nice and shiny. Bit as always, rebates are transitory ad falling, whilst taxes are permanent and rising:
“The CFIB is upset that the federal government is reducing the carbon tax rebate for small and medium-sized businesses from nine per cent to five per cent starting this year. It says the change could cost businesses $500 million in 2024.”
O surprises there either, the anti-human Marxist/Maoist/Cult of Moloch sycophants “governing” Canada hate small business and people in principle.
Now, like me, you are probably confused by the policy of taxing hydrocarbons (which are OT fossils!!!) ad rebating them.
Maybe you will get more clarity about this merry-go-round from this article:
Canada’s carbon price will increase on April 1. By how much? - National |
That has a link to a video where Dictator Turdeau says he is not interested in being popular but is interested only in doing the right thing by Canadians now and in the future. Unfortunately, he has no idea of what the right thig is ay more than a 5-year-old who cannot see why 6 +4 does not equal 8,
The carbon tax is “voluntary” – well actually, no it isn’t. Check out the “Newspeak” weasel words typical of the language used in bureaucracies from the United Nations to the European Union and the USA – mimicked I every country.
““A province or territory can decide to voluntarily adopt the federal pricing system,” the government said on its website.”
Ok, so a Province can adopt the Federal system or not – but if not:
“If a province or territory decides not to price carbon pollution or proposes a system that does not meet the minimum national stringency standards, that jurisdiction is subject to the federal pricing system to ensure there is an appropriate price on carbon pollution across Canada.”
… “federal pricing” = tax.
Views of Hadrian Mertins-Kirkwood, a senior researcher with the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.
“The planned April 1 increase will be most noticeable at the gas station and on energy bills in provinces and territories where the federal backstop plan applies, Mertins-Kirkwood said. “It’s still a smaller effect on your energy bills than just the global price of oil, or even things like corporate profitability,” he said.”
Ok, so because the price of oil and gas fluctuates a lot more than the tax hike, everything is fine.
“Mertins-Kirkwood added Canadians will also see “indirect effects” of the carbon price, pointing to transportation costs that can filter down into food prices.”
The expression “No shit, Sherlock” springs to mind.
“The federal Conservatives have criticized carbon pricing for much of its existence, with Conservative Party Leader Pierre Poilievre promising to remove it if the party takes government in the next election.”
Should be sufficient for a 70% landslide victory!
“Right now, the carbon pricing plan is set at $65 a tonne. As of April 1, it will be $80 a tonne, and will continue to rise annually by $15 until it reaches $170 a tonne by 2030.”
Canadians are already paying a “faux tax” and it is set to almost triple in the next 6 years.
So, here’s where it gets squirrelly.
The rebate system intended to enforce behaviour modification.
… formerly known as the climate action incentive payment. Ottawa rebranded the program in February, which sees quarterly tax-free payments delivered to eligible Canadians.
The government has said about 80 per cent of Canadians are getting more from the rebates than they pay in carbon pricing. Ottawa’s rebate impacts those in provinces where the federal carbon price applies.”
Now one wonders about the voting intentions of those among the 80% netting more from the rebates ad where they live – but also “why bother taxing if you are rebating more?” = to hit those remaining 20% of course! You know, farmers and truckers!
Let’s repeat a question.
How much better off would Canadians be WITHOUT ANY climate policies I place that burden hydrocarbon producers and subsidize obsolete and costly “renewable energy” projects.
Don’t forget, the Federal Government of Canada thinks maintaining roads is a bad idea.
From here three years ago:
Poor roads cost Canadians $3 billion: Study for CAA | CPCS - advisors to infrastructure leaders
And last year:
“Budget 2023 provides no new major funds for what is considered essential community infrastructure: roads, water, wastewater and other infrastructure assets. Unlike electrification and connectivity — many aspects of Canada’s infrastructure gap remain relegated to low-priority status.
Should we mention 15-minute cities and the fact that EV’s not only are more expensive to run, difficult to repair, don’t like the cold and wear out roads at twice the rate of ICE cars (and damage crash barriers more severely)?
We won’t mention the massive corruption during the C19 scamdemic!
Note that each of these “policies” are being replicated wherever the Cult has political dominance – that is, Blue US Stats and cities, all of the EU, UK, Australia, NZ – bass ackward policies that make people poorer, sicker and stupid(er) – that is world socialist government by a Cult.
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