
I love how we can't even *think* about deporting these people, but when they show up on the Peru/Chile border and nobody wants to let them stay... putting them on a plane back to Venezuela is a "humanitarian flight". Can you imagine what reuters would call it if the US did exactly the same thing?

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Why do people support Biden? Do they want a horrible life?

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We are under foreign occupation

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The broken immigration system is why I say you had better turn to God. We have a lot better chance with him than the RepubliCONS, who stab us in the back daily for a pittance.

The Socialist Democrats are Communists from hell, don't believe in God, Obama said it best, "We are the ones we have been waiting for."

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Yes, yet kicking God to the curb is why we were in this mess. Repent and follow Him, and just maybe we might survive this onslaught.

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I don't know about Cruz or Abbott. Imo, About should be impeached.

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Hello, hello! Oh the irony. AG Paxton is being impeached by his own rino compadres. Perhaps this is another real reason why.

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Yes the real reason why is he kicked the Sackler families ass in an opioid trial and the BigHarma mafia is pissed miss!

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So true! Is Cruz for his impeachment? What about abbot?

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