Biden Treasury puts forward plan to base taxation on skin colour – time for “whites” to self-identify as “coloured” or seek reparations for higher crime rates by race
A few days ago, I posted an article about how the massive federal spending increases incurred during the scamdemic were NOT being reversed by the criminal Biden junta and taxes were also massively higher compared to the last pre-scamdemic Trump year.
There is a little more detail o the Biden budget for 2025 published in March 2024.
Taxation based on skin colour – presumably with adjustments for any first, second, third or fourth or even fifth or sixth generation intermingling within the US or outside of it.
The tax apartheid system proposed by Biden’s Treasury under the lame duck that waddled in from the Fed, Janet Yellen – calls for racial discrimination against whites in favour of blacks and Hispanics (Asian not singled out for mention).
The categorisation of people by skin colour has always baffled ,e. There are many different types of whites, many different types of Hispanics and may different types of Asians and blacks. Each of those categorised as being “white” has fought bloody wars for centuries against “white” sub-categories. Wars that persist to this day in Ukraine. What is the point of lumping together people into skin colours? White sub-categories especially.
The point is, if you discriminate AGAINST someone – you are a bigoted asshole. Similarly, if you discriminate FOR someone, you are also a bigoted asshole.
Let’s start with the statement “all discrimination, positive or negative, is odious”. Personally, I have no time for institutions like “white only” universities, or “black only” institutions, or quota hiring by age, skin colour or gender. They are all bigoted and foment hatred, division, corruption and poor quality outcomes.
Let’s make another statement: “How much have the assumptions changed post the influx of 11 million criminal migrants costing over a trillion bucks a year, mostly of Hispanic descent?”
From here:
“… some elements of the tax code exacerbate differences in income and wealth accumulation by different racial groups, leading to greater inequality (Holtzblatt et al., 2023).
For example, Treasury estimates that 92 percent of the benefits of the tax expenditure for preferential rates on capital gains and qualified dividends accrue to White families. Only 2 ercent of the tax expenditure accrue to Black families and 3 percent to Hispanic families (Cronin et al., 2023). A similar share of the benefits of the tax expenditure for the deduction income from pass-through businesses accrue to each group.”
Note the complete lack of any reference to who pays the most and disproportionate share taxes in the first place and the use of the term “benefits of tax expenditure”. There is no benefit of tax expenditure, only a return of money stolen by a bureaucratic, inefficient and corrupt transient government.
There is no reference to the share of taxes disproportionately paid by the whites.
Here’s a little on the flip side of the racial breakdown of welfare receipts:
“income from pass-through businesses accrue to each group. In contrast, other elements of the tax code reduce inequality across racial groups. For example, while Black and Hispanic families represent 11 percent and 15 percent of all U.S. families respectively, they receive 19 percent and 28 percent of the Earned Income Tax Credit benefits. (Cronin et al., 2023). About half of the benefits of the EITC go to White families, but that share is less than their share of the population.
A major reason the EITC is successful in reducing inequality is because it is refundable and therefore available to families with low- and moderate[1]incomes.”
There is no mention of the rates of crimes committed by different racial groups or the failure or success of groups in attaining educational standards or the Federal cost of additional resources trying to rectify educational imbalances.
For example, educational spending per student is abut the same, but the source of that spending is dominated by federal spending.
From here:
Is There a Racial Gap in School District Spending? | St. Louis Fed (
“The average Black student went to a district that spent $14,385 per student, while the average white student went to one that spent $14,263 per student. When the expenditures were narrowed to spending on instruction, the figures were $7,169 per student and $7,329 per student, respectively.”
“… the average white student attended a district that received 47% of revenue from local sources and 7% from the federal government. For the average Black student, the district obtained 44% of revenue from local sources and 10% from the federal government.”
“All men are educated equal”!
From here:
Public High School Graduation Rates (
“Asian/Pacific Islander students had the highest ACGR (93 percent), followed by White (89 percent), Hispanic (82 percent), Black (80 percent), and American Indian/Alaska Native (74 percent) students.”
A cynic would ask the question “how many students pass “woke” courses v STEM course by skin colour?”
But the outcomes are not/
Prisoners in 2022 – Statistical Tables (
“At yearend 2022, an estimated 32% of sentenced state and federal prisoners were black; 31% were white; 23% were Hispanic; 2% were American Indian or Alaska Native; and 1% were Asian, Native Hawaiian, or Other Pacific Islander.”
Compared to:
United States Population by Race & Ethnicity - 2023 | Neilsberg
“The percent distribution of United States population by race (across all racial categories recognized by the U.S. Census Bureau): 68.17% are White, 12.55% are Black or African American, 0.83% are American Indian and Alaska Native, 5.70% are Asian, 0.19% are Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander, 5.58% are some other race and 6.99% are multiracial.”
A cynic looking at these numbers for taxation, education and incarceration would conclude that, at the margin, whites pay taxes to persons of colour who commit crimes because they fail at school.
Note the expression “at the margin”. The vast majority of people with any skin colour do just fine. It is the outliers in each of the groups that do not. The minorities of varying proportions within each racial group.
Here’s an article that discusses the tax apartheid system proposed by the Biden Treasury funding racial animus.
Biden Admin Justifies Tax Hike Based On Racial Criteria (
“The Biden administration’s analysis of its revenue proposals for fiscal year 2025 argues targeted tax hikes that disproportionately affect white people would ease racial wealth inequality.
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totally agree with you. Favoring one group over another is bigotry and deepens, rather than lessens, racism. But that's what the oligarchs want, they want us divided
How does this idiotic administration find enough people to go along with their ideas? I am distressed that that many folks in government are that stupid. To be frank. 🤣