I would love this to be a real source but unfortunately it's just heresay unless we see it from a Philippines website. Don't say it's because the Gates Foundation issued a gag order because then Newspunch wouldn't have it either. You lower the credibility of all of us fighting for truth by making us look like conspiracy theorists.

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Point taken. Mea culpa. I posted elsewhere with caveats around the source

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I'm deeply skeptical. The story shows a few fringe websites and claims a 'superinjunction' was issued. There is no global 'superinjunction'

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I would prefer just hanging the crazy , arrogant bastard.

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Most interesting. If this is more or less* accurately reported, the Gates Foundation can just make everyone shut up about this story until they have bribed the judicial apparatus and all their friends, after which of course the media are allowed to report that the old bugger wasn't convicted.

* One thing that doesn't check out is that there seems to be no Manila Heinous Crimes Court. Heinous crimes are an established legal term here (currently living/traveling in the Philippines), and for good reason to say the least, but an institution by this name can't be found online.

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Thanks for that.

Boots on the ground is better than remote posting!

Would this explain it?




WHEREAS, the Constitution, specifically Article III, Section 19 paragraph (1) thereof, states "Excessive fines shall not be imposed nor cruel, degrading or inhuman punishment inflicted. Neither shall death penalty be imposed, unless, for compelling reasons involving heinous crimes, the Congress hereafter provides for it. . .";

WHEREAS, the crimes punishable by death under this Act are heinous for being grievous, odious and hateful offenses and which, by reason of their inherent or manifest wickedness, viciousness, atrocity and perversity are repugnant and outrageous to the common standards and norms of decency and morality in a just, civilized and ordered society;"

Discussed here:


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Indeed, that is also the kind of information I could find. So it would appear the Supreme Court is responsible for these kinds of things, at least ultimately (which of course is not that surprising).

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All executions should be made public after blood and DNA testing. The apathy, corruption and dissolution of justice must end. Allowing wealth to be seen as wisdom, one man's ideas to oppress the world, and psyops of declaring what loss of freedoms are scheduled to manifest tyranny are unacceptable to mankind.

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Yes. The justice system exists everywhere to prevent people committing acts of violence against others.

Here there is, at best, blatant disregard for human life and at worst callous pre-meditation.

The due process of law must be followed - the judge and jury selection is important - it can't be in a place like the swamp in DC, NYC or Commiefornia - the International Criminal Court would seem the obvious place - or a Nuremburg style operation in another place using the most senior representatives of countries suffering the highest numbers of deaths (/m population).

Politicians and the WHO must NOT be involved as representatives as they are complicit.

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Thanks PH! Awesome & excellent news! Go the Philippines!

"superinjunction" Bill Eugenicist Supreme! Get over yer daft self.

India, Kenya, Tnazania &now Philippines! Go world! Catch the blinder quick sharp.

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Just place a million dollar bounty for his scalp.

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Bye bye Bill...praying we hurdle jurisdiction w/immediate extradition! Effing DEMON.

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That is FABULOUS!!!

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Satan is awaiting his arrival in hell

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Peter, Can this possibly be a fake story?

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A substack based on a newspunch does not a scoop make. Slow news week.

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Surprised even that outlet got past the "superinjunction".

Mind you "The Philippine Constitution emphatically provides that no person shall be deprived of liberty without due process of law and no warrant of arrest shall issue except upon probable cause to be determined personally by the judge."

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Gates needs to die a horrible death.

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I think it would be fitting if he was forced to be the first human test subject for all new ‘vaccines’

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Track him down where ever he is and pop him ! I’ll pay ya ! Lol !

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Hang him ! Please !!!!!!!!!!!

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That’s media injunction is such bollocks! 😡The sheep need to know the truth.

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