Sep 27, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

As usual, Gates is simply replacing one hoax with another hoax. The underlying LIE in this globalist plot is their claim that CO2 is BAD. More CO2 is triggering more GREENING of marginal areas of the earth because plants need less water to survive when they have lots of CO2 available. Living plants' respiration processes COOL the atmosphere. This insanity must stop.

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'WORLD WAR THREE' is of concern to us all.

They are making the C lie mate change. Geoengineering is a tool . and directed weapons are the scalpel. The land is the bread, and you and your children are literally the meat in the sandwich. Resist. Bless you all and wishing everyone the best.

Commissioner For Homeless Speaks Out Against Maui Fires🚨https://www.youtube.com/shorts/_dwurq4ONfw

San Agustin Fire - Footage Of The Houses And Map Of The Area (Philippines)


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So the killingly funny WEF/CEPI Clown pharted, and got away with it? His timing is as priceless as it is perfect. Gird your loins.

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It’s all about the money…………

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Climate change is pure BS !!!!!

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Hi Peter, please listen and pass this along, found this afternoon: RED ALERT WARNING: FEMA ZOMBIE 5G APOCALYPSE -- CALLENDER | VLIET - - https://rumble.com/v3kgmyy-red-alert-warning-fema-zombie-5g-apocalypse-callender-vliet.html - - If this occurs, Gates won't need any climate action to achieve his eugenics program?

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Sep 26, 2023·edited Sep 26, 2023Author

Done and tks for the heads up!

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Sep 26, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Have been following Todd Calender for more than a year…he has consistently talked about Marburg being next and other viral components preloaded into shots that can be activated simply by swelling and rupturing their lipid enclosure, truly scary concept. Add in the recent info about shining blue light on mouse brains, Sendak’s Monsters under the bed don’t hold a candle to these options. Sleep tight!

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Amazing Peter,

I told Bill Gates in 2013 (below) that CO2-driven climate was not a real problem.

Slow learner?

Best, Allan


Hello clearwater2.

The problem with the fractious global warming debate is that it has become a political debate between Right and Left, but should have always been a scientific debate between true and false.

This is just one more example of the dysfunctionality of political polarization.

I am a professional engineer and, based on decades of research, am convinced that humanmade global warming is not a serious problem for humanity or the environment. According to some, that makes me right-wing. I suggest this is incorrect, and I am just good with logic and large numbers.

I have been involved for many years with an organization that houses the homeless. According to some, that make me left-wing. Again, I suggest this is incorrect, and I am just good with logic and large numbers… of people.

The “mainstream” global warming debate centres on the magnitude of Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity (“ECS”) to atmospheric CO2, which is the primary subject of contention between global warming alarmists (aka “warmists”) and climate skeptics (aka “skeptics”).

Warmists typically say ECS is high, greater than ~~3 degrees C [3C/(2xCO2)] and therefore DANGEROUS global warming will result, whereas skeptics say ECS is 1C or less and any resulting global warming will NOT be dangerous.

The scientific evidence to date strongly suggests that if one had to pick a side, the skeptics are more likely to be correct.

However, BOTH sides of this factious debate are in all probability technically WRONG. In January 2008 I demonstrated that CO2 LAGS temperature at all measured time scales*, so the mainstream debate requires that “the future is causing the past”, which I suggest is demonstrably false.

In climate science we do not even agree on what drives what, and it is probable that the majority, who reside on BOTH sides of the ECS mainstream debate, are both technically WRONG.


Based on the preponderance of evidence, temperature drives CO2 much more than CO2 drives temperature, so ECS may not exist at all at the “macro” scale, and may be utterly irrelevant to climate science except at the “micro” (and materially insignificant) scale.

There may be other significant sources of CO2 that contribute to its increase in the atmosphere, but increasing CO2 just does not have a significant or measureable impact on global warming (or cooling), which is almost entirely natural in origin.

I therefore suggest that the oft-fractious “mainstream debate” between warmists and skeptics about the magnitude of ECS is materially irrelevant. ECS, if it exists at all, is so small that it just does not matter.

Wait 5 to 10 more years – I suggest that by then most serious climate scientists will accept the above hypo. Many will claim they knew it all along…


* If ECS (which assumes CO2 drives temperature) actually exists in the Earth system, it is so small that it is overwhelmed by the reality that temperature drives CO2.


In this enormous CO2 equation, the only signal that is apparent is that dCO2/dt varies ~contemporaneously with temperature, and CO2 lags temperature by about 9 months.


CO2 also lags temperature by about 800 years in the ice core record on a longer time scale.

To suggest that ECS is larger that 1C is not credible. I suggest that if ECS exists at all, it is much smaller than 1C, so small as to be essentially insignificant.

Regards, Allan

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Commissioner For Homeless Speaks Out Against Maui Fires🚨https://www.youtube.com/shorts/_dwurq4ONfw

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Yes! Yet another distraction from the now Agenda 2025 protocol, "they" are speeding up their war against humanity, the herding actions. See the link in my post above.

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Sep 25, 2023·edited Sep 25, 2023

Oh, so now he wants us to suffocate to death?

Poisoning the world wasn't good enough?

I really can't beleive he would chop down trees...is he going into farming REAL food, so he doesn't have to eat the lab grown meat he has invested millions in?

Are you sure he said this? If he did, and believes it, he would't be chopping down trees.

This is quite demented.

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GREAT article, Mr. Halligan, you had me laughing out loud! I think you nailed Mr. Gates.

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Somebody please tell all the climate migrants there’s no climate crisis... 🥴

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I loathe Gates. But this report is WRONG and embarrassing. He wants to cut out the dead wood to prevent forest fires. The originator of this story didn’t check fully.

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Greetings, will somebody please inform the Village Idiot Gates, that by burying the trees they will decompose giving off heat, the heat will build to the point where the trees then spontaneously combust, the fire that ensues will be so hot and dense that it will be nearly impossible to put out. Oh wait, i have a thought, maybe that’s what he wants to do?

Be well in all you do

The Seeker


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Your “argument from incredulity” holds no weight in the context with which you have presented it.

Be well my friend

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I agree your comment is ridiculous, and makes no point whatsoever and uses unrelated evidence to attempt and succeed in proving nothing, even the petrified wood in your hand is surreptitious.

Be well in all you do my friend

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