translation here, h/t COunt Chocula

‘’Of those who have died after the vaccination, half died from cardiovascular and cardiac disorders.

You (Ministry of Health officials) know very well what is the cause of these deaths, don't you?

You are trying to hide the truth with a shell game of words and numbers.

You have already decided medical outcomes based on economic or political conflicts of interest, so you’ve chosen doctors who will comply … credentialed but corrupt health industry careerists.

Japan’s politicians and medical careerists are completely ignoring science and medicine. This should not happen. We are a nation of science and technology! But you are ignoring science and medicine, and letting the health care system collapse. It’s a mess.

Is this mRNA treatment real, or is it a nightmare? It is a nightmare … invading and being absorbed into the entire cardiovascular system. Anyone whose blood pressure rose after taking this vaccine, rose because of this medical intervention.

Almost 2000 people have been reported to have died from this treatment. But I think the number of actual deaths is several times higher. Most of those suffering from adverse effects of this vaccine are reluctant to come out and explicitly blame it on the vaccine. All they can do is cry themselves to sleep!

And even with reports from the forensics autopsy … you don’t even bother to read them. What in the hell are you doing? What is the meaning of hiding these facts? And this is not the first time. The same thing has happened with institutionally corrupt medical treatments in the past.

— (Mr. Kawada (the man sitting beside Professor Fukushima is a famous symbol for AIDs contracted by infected blood) suffered terribly from it.


(For details about the Japanese government knowingly allowing hemophiliac patients to be infected with AIDs …

https://www.nature.com/articles/nm0998_991b. The lead paragraph is as follows …

‘’Fury has erupted in Japan over the contents of a tape recording of the first meeting held by the health ministry's AIDS study panel. The recording reveals that ministry officials were aware as early as 1983 that non-heat-treated blood products used to treat hemophiliacs may have been contaminated with HIV. Failure of the government and its scientific advisers to halt the use of such products led to more than 1,800 hemophiliacs contracting HIV during the 1980s, of which 400 have since died from AIDS.’’) —

We must rid ourselves of this medical poison at the root.

Japan should have already learned hard lessons about corrupt and dangerous health policies. Japan should be a country where such medical intervention can never be allowed again! We must not allow it!

But our politicians are wilfully and knowingly ignoring what has happened in the past, and have spent trillions of yen to import these mRNA treatments.

A lot of money is tied up in these medical interventions, so our politicians are tricking people into taking them.’’

— (According to unverified sources on Twitter, roughly

82% of Japanese citizens are vaccinated,

20% of Japanese doctors are vaccinated,

15% of Japanese politicians are vaccinated,

10% of bureaucrats in the Ministry of Health are vaccinated) —

‘’Nothing has changed.’’

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My apologies if this is a multiple post reply, but it is not showing on my screen so I'm entering it as a new post--

That's not good news about stats and autopsy data. (This is where Media and Congress are dropping the ball. In the past when the watchdogs needed watching, there would be Media exposes, and hearings and investigations by Congress!)

My take-away from the latest material from Dr. Ardis is that the Synthetic Venom Products Industry is HUGE, and many applications are being claimed. For me that key word is 'claimed'/marketed/promoted. This always concerns me because at the start of most technologies there is that Panacea Period during which all is promise and no downside is acknowledged. For instance -- X-RAYS. They were marketed as a cure for acne and only when patients came down with cancer did people wise-up and some control come down on the industry. We haven't seen an iota of this regulation for the genetic engineering, GMO, biotech, or geo-engineering industries. We've had decades of run-away development and uses, even some leading to social upheaval as in India. The public is treated as TOO DUMB AND UNEDUCATED to discuss high tech. That's hogwash, because COMMON SENSE can IDENTIFY the explosion of illness, injury, degradation and death caused by any factor WHETHER IT IS HI-TECH OR NOT. I repeat, hi-tech OR NOT high-tech. At some point we don't even have to know all the details -- the end results are enough to REQUIRE steps be taken to CONTROL or STOP any activity or use of a substance that HARMS habitat or inhabitants.

Another source for information on the possible use of the new synthetic venom products as a bioterrorist weapon is the specialist in the field of mass murder acts, situations, response, psychology of responders, victims and perpetrators -- Dr. Tau Braun. Early on he warned the government of this issue and he was ignored. Does this Synthetic Venom Industry want regulatory guidance? No doubt in my mind that they would seek to continue to operate without watchdogs -- so it is no surprise they are not forthcoming on this issue of synthetic venom technology being a part of the so-called pandemic response. I have no idea whether the same private-public partnership as exists between Pfizer/Moderna et al and our so-called regulators at the FDA, NIH, CDC et al has been forged with the Synthetic Venom Industry. Our rogue bureaucrats are getting royalties in this system of entwinement with Pharma. Do these bureaucrats have any similar agreements with the Synthetic Venom Industry? Is Anthony Fauci benefiting from patents from that sector?

It's mind-boggling sometimes the amount we don't know, mostly because the Media is no longer a free press but a tool of Corporate power, and too coerced to be government's tool of control and propaganda. And is Congress too busy with insider trading to care about doing the work of the people? [I'd better stop before I develop hypertension!]

I'm certainly grateful for those at Substack like you who are getting facts and sharing them! Thank you. I feel sure it IS making a difference!

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Thank you so much for posting this. What an eye-opener. Dr. Fukushima's testimony and the intensity of it are moving. I can only hope his words affect Japanese authorities and move them to protect the Japanese people.

I've come to the observe over the course of the "pandemic" that the World Health Organization and the globalist cabal have HIGHJACKED healthcare across the Earth in a genocide project.

When Dr. Fukushima points out that through ethnicity the Japanese were naturally resistant to the coronavirus strain 19, that is an ESSENTIAL point to consider. I think this fact exposes a further chilling truth that the WHO supported the use in Japan of a bioweapon to bypass that natural resistance. This is a genocidal project from those in control of worldwide vaccination enforcement. Forced vaccination equates to forcing a person to comply to a euthanasia protocol that -- depending on one's initial state of health and age -- makes one's death an assured eventuality, a sudden death or a slow slide into death through injury and disability.

Anyone in positions of authority in healthcare and government who continues to go along with this crime NOW THAT THE WORLD KNOWS THE TRUTH ABOUT THE EUTHANASIA PROTOCOL through the excess death statistics -- these people need to change policies or eventually vacate their positions in handcuffs because there will be prosecutions for this crime against humanity.

Thank God there are still brave professionals and experts to speak out. Blessings of every kind on Dr. Fukushima for speaking Truth to power and doing so with forcefulness and righteousness. Thank you, Dr. Fukushima.

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Good man for telling it like IT is.

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Very interesting, I’d never heard of Dr Fukushima. He seems a little bit like the Japanese version of Dr Geert vander Bossche. Unfortunately he does not comment on the studies about those ridiculous masks and how they are totally ineffective in stopping the SARS-COV-2 virus , and instead is wearing one himself.

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Probably legislation. Probably forced to do that to gain access to the meeting. It's cultural too. Asians wear masks anytime someone sneezes. I have noticed this all my life. I think it's good to wear a mask in intense situations, but they are not like a seat belt or bike helmet. They are more like gloves for cyclists - will save you a little bit. But wearing a mask daily, for hours on end, yeah that's schtooopid.

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I agree! That was the first thing I noticed too. I kept thinking why on earth are they wearing those masks?

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Unfortunately that is just the amount that is enough to assure fatal damage -- am I understanding correctly?

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It's early days - I have a "feeling" that one C19 mRNA injection is tolerated the most, two is the worst and three is better than 2 for a few months, beyond that is a guess.

it is and always has been an experiment. it never has been a prophylactic or a cure, only ever designed to reduce symptoms - which it failed to do in the phase 3 clinical trials.

the dosage is subject to critical errors in the dethawing process - see hadley rees substack - so the actually injection is subject to the diligence of the person completing the manufacturing process by dethawing the vials.

at no point in the clinical trials were vials frozen and dethawed and yet that is part of the production process - completed by those who have ZERO training in that vital part.

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I am equally concerned about the other ingredients besides the delicate mRNA. The delivery technology itself sounds pretty toxic (pegalated lipid nanoparticle).

And a variety of materials could be in the vials at this experimental stage (the experiment can continue without divulging the contents as long as under an EUA, right?). This is the point at which I cannot help but accept the validity of Dr. Bryan Ardis' alarm call about synthetic venom peptides within the formula (note his pointing to key researchers at U of PA, Drew Wiseman and Cataline Corecco, who for years have used venom-derived products to cleave DNA in experiments funded by Dr. Anthony Fauci). The symptoms of covid19 and envenomation are the same somehow. That 'somehow' needs to be clarified, especially since meds that treat a venom reaction also can work to alleviate covid symptoms if the timing is right. At this point I see mRNA in the "vaccines" as attempted genetic engineering on us, but all the other ingredients are an additional concern (just as has been pointed out by parents with children injured by the routine vaccines on the inoculation schedule). The result of all those other ingredients shot directly into the body along with a delivery technology that travels into all body systems/organs will be known from the stats and autopsies (if they ever release all the stats and do autopsies legitimately without covering up stuff). But only when we get the data, only when they let us see the results of their ongoing experiment.

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Yes. I have been checking to see if the EMA has data on secondary and tertiary causes of death, NO, whether they do autopsies - voluntary by docs - or whether they have done any work on uder-reporting factors - no.

Fast, polite and detailed replies but just no data.

I watched Dr Ardis interview an English lawyer a few weeks back. Many deaths from a treatment protocol of Midazolam + morphine - awful to hear. Dr Ardis reeled off an impression that 90% of deaths ascribed to C19 where because of the Remdesivir treatment protocol. He hasn't expanded on his snake (or sea snail?) venom theory, but it does sound like there is a kernel of truth in snakes that use poison to kill (and not start a digestive process).

I am still struggling with the concept of injecting instruction to create dangerous pathogens to attack the same dangerous pathogen. to me it sounds like injecting snake venom to cure a snake bite, rather than grabbing super immune "stuff" from a host (horse or cow) that has been shown to have some sort of super immunity.

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That's not good news about stats and autopsy data. (This is where Media and Congress are dropping the ball. In the past when the watchdogs needed watching, there would be Media exposes, and hearings and investigations by Congress!)

My take-away from the latest material from Dr. Ardis is that the Synthetic Venom Products Industry is HUGE, and many applications are being claimed. For me that key word is 'claimed'/marketed/promoted. This always concerns me because at the start of most technologies there is that Panacea Period during which all is promise and no downside is acknowledged. For instance -- X-RAYS. They were marketed as a cure for acne and only when patients came down with cancer did people wise-up and some control come down on the industry. We haven't seen an iota of this regulation for the genetic engineering, GMO, biotech, or geo-engineering industries. We've had decades of run-away development and uses, even some leading to social upheaval as in India. The public is treated as TOO DUMB AND UNEDUCATED to discuss high tech. That's hogwash, because COMMON SENSE can IDENTIFY the explosion of illness, injury, degradation and death caused by any factor WHETHER IT IS HI-TECH OR NOT. I repeat, hi-tech OR NOT high-tech. At some point we don't even have to know all the details -- the end results are enough to REQUIRE steps be taken to CONTROL or STOP any activity or use of a substance that HARMS habitat or inhabitants.

Another source for information on the possible use of the new synthetic venom products as a bioterrorist weapon is the specialist in the field of mass murder acts, situations, response, psychology of responders, victims and perpetrators -- Dr. Tau Braun. Early on he warned the government of this issue and he was ignored. Does this Synthetic Venom Industry want regulatory guidance? No doubt in my mind that they would seek to continue to operate without watchdogs -- so it is no surprise they are not forthcoming on this issue of synthetic venom technology being a part of the so-called pandemic response. I have no idea whether the same private-public partnership as exists between Pfizer/Moderna et al and our so-called regulators at the FDA, NIH, CDC et al has been forged with the Synthetic Venom Industry. Our rogue bureaucrats are getting royalties in this system of entwinement with Pharma. Do these bureaucrats have any similar agreements with the Synthetic Venom Industry? Is Anthony Fauci benefiting from patents from that sector?

It's mind-boggling sometimes the amount we don't know, mostly because the Media is no longer a free press but a tool of Corporate power, and too coerced to be government's tool of control and propaganda. And is Congress too busy with insider trading to care about doing the work of the people? [I'd better stop before I develop hypertension!]

I'm certainly grateful for those at Substack like you who are getting facts and sharing them! Thank you. I feel sure it IS making a difference!

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That's not good news about stats and autopsy data. (This is where Media and Congress are dropping the ball. In the past when the watchdogs needed watching, there would be Media exposes, and hearings and investigations by Congress!)

My take-away from the latest material from Dr. Ardis is that the Synthetic Venom Products Industry is HUGE, and many applications are being claimed. For me that key word is 'claimed'/marketed/promoted. This always concerns me because at the start of most technologies there is that Panacea Period during which all is promise and no downside is acknowledged. For instance -- X-RAYS. They were marketed as a cure for acne and only when patients came down with cancer did people wise-up and some control come down on the industry. We haven't seen an iota of this regulation for the genetic engineering, GMO, biotech, or geo-engineering industries. We've had decades of run-away development and uses, even some leading to social upheaval as in India. The public is treated as TOO DUMB AND UNEDUCATED to discuss high tech. That's hogwash, because COMMON SENSE can IDENTIFY the explosion of illness, injury, degradation and death caused by any factor WHETHER IT IS HI-TECH OR NOT. I repeat, hi-tech OR NOT high-tech. At some point we don't even have to know all the details -- the end results are enough to REQUIRE steps be taken to CONTROL or STOP any activity or use of a substance that HARMS habitat or inhabitants.

Another source for information on the possible use of the new synthetic venom products as a bioterrorist weapon is the specialist in the field of mass murder acts, situations, response, psychology of responders, victims and perpetrators -- Dr. Tau Braun. Early on he warned the government of this issue and he was ignored. Does this Synthetic Venom Industry want regulatory guidance? No doubt in my mind that they would seek to continue to operate without watchdogs -- so it is no surprise they are not forthcoming on this issue of synthetic venom technology being a part of the so-called pandemic response. I have no idea whether the same private-public partnership as exists between Pfizer/Moderna et al and our so-called regulators at the FDA, NIH, CDC et al has been forged with the Synthetic Venom Industry. Our rogue bureaucrats are getting royalties in this system of entwinement with Pharma. Do these bureaucrats have any similar agreements with the Synthetic Venom Industry? Is Anthony Fauci benefiting from patents from that sector?

It's mind-boggling sometimes the amount we don't know, mostly because the Media is no longer a free press but a tool of Corporate power, and too coerced to be government's tool of control and propaganda. And is Congress too busy with insider trading to care about doing the work of the people? [I'd better stop before I develop hypertension!]

I'm certainly grateful for those at Substack like you who are getting facts and sharing them! Thank you. I feel sure it IS making a difference!

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Dec 1, 2022
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Yeah.my bad. Conflating two unrelated subjects. It was intentional in order to attract eyeballs to a seismic speech that should have launched a tsunami of press coverage - so far, nada in the MSM

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Dec 2, 2022
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poetic! sievert rich early snow - shudder inducing!

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