One thing which has plagued me in my research was pertaining to the alleged "Placebo Group"..

How is it that people can adverse events or die from an alleged "saline" shot?

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Yep. "Related Adverse Events" in a placebo group is "whack" - maybe it's from shedding!


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actually, i think it's much worse. there were reports that they swapped out saline with the meningitis toxin..

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"We have some idea that 70% of those injected suffered zero ill effect,...."

Really? And the long term studies? And the total absence of shot generalisability?

No. Until proved otherwise, the +70% of the planet shotted, will have to live out their lives hoping for the best, fearing the worst, and wondering whether subsequent generations bear the mark of Cain.

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I was quoting Dr McCullough. I guess we can get to some number by deducting the number of 1 million AE's in the US on VAERS - scaling up by a URF of 40 for CURRENT serious and severe AE's - then work from the 20% AE's of kinds to get 677 million doses times 20% = 135 million total AE's of all severities.

200 million Americans not affected = 60%

But you are right that there is the issue of crossing from no severity to a "minor" AE to a severe AE to serious AE to death.

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Most of the lies that these people live by

are pretty baked in.

It makes perfect sense

that they die trapped in a lie.


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Oh but you will find this interesting, and there is not an infinite pool of drug users of fentanyl and other illegal substances out there, but there is a near infinite number of legal drug users (capped at 200 million or so). Ever work in a community pharmacy, Social Science Philosopher? I guess not, but these legal drug users are ready to replace the illegal drug users.

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Feb 22, 2024
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John Rappoport talks about the huge amounts on Fentanyl coming in the southern borders and one or 2 grains are enough to kill people. They use it in hospitals too!

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