Look what "Scientific American" said..... No, COVID mRNA Vaccines Won't Damage Your DNA

You have a “better chance of becoming Spider-Man” than being harmed by DNA from COVID vaccines https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/no-covid-mrna-vaccines-wont-damage-your-dna/

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"Scientific American" anagrams to "if I enc Satanic crime". Not sure I want to believe what Scientific American says.

Let alone Paul "Stuff it"!

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Exactly.....but it's good to keep your enemy close.....

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SA went down the pan at least 15 years ago. I never touched it ever since my doctor friend started calling it the Scientific Gringo.

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I share because it's not science but propaganda.....

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Hi Peter, on another topic of interest, CAFitts discusses 2023, projecting a bit into 2024 with Greg Reese here: "We Are Going To See 'Collisions' All Over The Planet" - Pushback Against Tyranny & Control Will Accelerate In 2024 - - https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/we-are-going-see-collisions-all-over-planet-pushback-against-tyranny-control-will - - scroll down in the article to the embedded 1 hr long interview, understandable by the not-so-financial person; although having some background may help, or set aside time to listen 2x. From a US view; many global insights too. Don't know how this got overlooked or buried, maybe Epstein's list grabbed too much center stage?

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Jan 5Liked by Peter Halligan
Jan 5·edited Jan 5

Everyone reading realize Philippine health authorities who approved using this Sanofi dengvaxia shot back in 2015 or so, ended up going to trial and a few were sent to prison? Should be an update on the web...a rare example of accountability we are lacking in many parts of the world.

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Their reasoning to give the vaccines to seronegative children makes no sense unless one wanted to cause harm. We live in a clown world and the clowns are running the circus. I'll stick with what I know and keep on refusing vaccines like I've done for over 30+ years.

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From here in May 2019:


"Here in the U.S., the approval of the vaccine — to be used in Puerto Rico, the U.S. and British Virgin Islands and Guam — comes with an important restriction: Doctors must have proof of a prior dengue infection to ensure the vaccine will not pose any risks to the child. That's a safeguard Philippine families never had."

This comment does not seem to apply to mRNA injections:

""But in the world of vaccines, that's not an acceptable risk. A risk needs to be exceedingly small to be tolerated. For example, with the measles vaccine, the risk of encephalitis is about 1 in 1 million, or 1,000 times less than the risk from a measles infection, WHO says."

There were (with an under-reporting factor of 40-70?) 1,223 deaths in the (Process 2) revised post marketing authorization study out of around 70 million doses administered (rather than the 126 million doses shipped that was in the report here:


On page 8 with th deaths on the next page Table 1

1,223 divided by 70 million = 1 in around 57,000 - those killed may have been double dosed over the 10 December 2020 to 28 February 2021 period of the report.

Even 1,223 deaths out of 126 million doses = one in 103,000 or so - still a fail by prior (WHO) standards.

1,000 times less than the deaths from C19?

From here:


There were around 1.1 million deaths reported with C19 present over the 10 weeks ro end Feb 2021.

Over the thresshold of 1,000 times - maybe close.- but still not "compliant" with a standard

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