Look, this isn't some big mystery. When you're autistic, your same-sex peers in school treat you like shite. Often the only friends you can find are among opposite-sex peers that you aren't sexually interested in, because autistic kids reach emotional maturity significantly later than NT peers.

Now along comes a massive propaganda campaign saying "If you don't fit in with the other girls, but you fit in better with the boys (or vice versa), You must really be a boy!" And it probably sounds great at the time. You know, right up until you reach some kind of emotional maturity at... 25? 26?

Any ethical doctor would not be willing to "treat" an autistic patient for "trans" anything unless that patient was at least 27 years old, IMO.

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All those who truly believe they are transgender do appear to all have asd from my observations

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Over many years I’ve noticed that women with autistic children are different to women without autistic children. I find mothers of autistic children all have a certain vibration they give off and I’ve been noticing this for so long that I reckon I could pick which women are mothers of autistic children without even knowing anything about them. Had anyone else noticed this. Weirdly they give me the same vibe as someone who has been vaccine injured

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Dude. It's because the mothers are on the spectrum. I mean, the "refrigerator mothers" thing was mean of Kanner, but that was the result of observation.

And I say that as an on-the-spectrum mom of one probably-on-the-spectrum kid and two completely normal kids.

Personally, it wouldn't surprise me to find out that the vaccine schedule had something to do with it, but it's clearly not the whole picture.

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Thank you, Thank you, Thank you !

I have been saying this for years.

All someone had to do was connect the research and the correlations.

vaccines = autism and autism = gender dysphoria.

So..... Vaccines = Gender dysphoria

Just think what the left will do if they realized it was the vaccines, would they do the right thing and stop the vaccines? Or would they keep it quiet and keep pushing for these vaccines that are causing neurological damage to our kids? Will they do the right thing? No way, they will do everything possible to hide this association.

Because It is very convenient to the left to have vaccines creating gender dysphoric kids.

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