Autoimmunity is a bad word in my opinion. A hyper immune response would be a better term because thinking of it as the immune stem attacking the body is wrong.

While the immune system may attack the body, something has caused the immune system to do that. Something upset the immune system causing a hyper immune response making the immune system go haywire. That’s why immune suppressants are used. Because the immune system is in a hyper state.

If you can find what caused the hyper immune response and deal with it then you can stop the autoimmune issues.

In me the cause is the bone cement used in surgery to plug a blood leak that was gushing from a hole drilled into my vertebrae. If that was removed I would no longer have autoimmune issues as my immune system would no longer be in a hyper state.

Metals are the main cause of autoimmune disorders. They are a sensitiser of the human race. But their bad effects can be reversed by simply removing them

Dental work can often be the culprit too. Even standard white composite dental fillings can cause problems. I removed my ones this year which cured the cardiac issues which were part of the bone cement implantation syndrome caused by the bone cement in my back.

Antigens are the cause of all disease and removing antigens from the body will always bring health improvements.

Nothing that the pharmaceutical or dental profession put inside us is biocompatible. They are all foreign objects. The immune system would have to recognise them as “self” for them to be biocompatible.

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Nerves do regenerate very slowly. If they did not, every time you got cut you would have a numb patch of skin. Myelin sheath are the “insulation around the wiring.”

I read the paper and there is a lot more to it but it’s an out of the box idea and I like it!!!!

Now pharma or govt will buy it and bury it. Huge money in treating auto immune dz. Symptoms.

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Thanks. I was thinking of the "nerves don't regenerate" in the context of leprosy.

I confess to being confused by whether this means that auto-immune diseases arising from C19 injections could be treated with this sugar coated injection.

I am still looking for information on the interaction of mRNA injections and their impact on treatments for pre-existing organ conditions (e.g. insulin).

I am asking from the perspective of a lay person.

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I Wonder If The Vaccines Are Going To Start

Turning People Blue

The Way AIDS Did.


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Blue? I don’t remember that during the culling.

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