The evidence is in and the truth is manifest. The C19 “pandemic” was an artifice created by certain people and the even more lethal response was also an artifice. Geo-politics is the root cause – certain people seeking advantage over others.
We know who to blame and those that are to blame are seeking to hide the evidence of their guilt by stalling, not confessing or outright obfuscating.
In my eyes, the blame lies with those responsible for making the determinations of key milestones of the C19 “pandemic – so here Is “my truth” as evidenced by these 15 failures:
1. failure to point out the typical duration of viral infection “pandemics” and what would constitute the typical tart and end of the C19 “pandemic” and so lead rational expectations of and aspirations for the C19 pandemic
2. the failure to recognise and promote known respiratory infection treatment options and interventions in the first four months and after May 2020,
3. the failure to promote discovered effective safe (virtually free) and effective treatments for prophylaxis, in May 2020
4. the failure to abide by decades long knowledge and experience that you “do not vaccinate into a pandemic” and the crucial decision to opt for an experimental protocol with no track record of success in a public health setting
5. the failure to regulate the injections as gene therapies – as stated in regulatory filings by manufacturers – and instead regulate the injections as “vaccines” with far less stringent safety and testing requirements
6. the crucial decision to grant emergency use authorisation, first in the UK, then the US and globally after FAILING clinical trials that clearly demonstrated more harm than good by November 2020 despite criminally manipulating those clinical trials to conceal harms
7. the failure to oversee quality and compliance standards for the “vaccines” with the quality and contents of the “vaccines” used in clinical trials
8. the failure to develop a more accurate diagnostic tool for determining the presence and transmissibility of the SARS-COV2 virus that caused the C19 disease by relying on the inaccurate (and the predominantly initially used but withdrawn from emergency use authorisation) over 2020 and 2021
9. the crucial decision to leave emergency use authorisation approval in place despite clear evidence of “vaccine” failure and further evidence of more harm than good
10. the failure to revoke emergency use authorisation despite abundant evidence of failure to prevent infection, transmission, hospitalization and death within 6 months of “vaccine” roll0out
11. the failure to withdraw the “vaccines” after record numbers of adverse events reported to adverse event reporting systems specifically designed as signalling mechanisms for “vaccine” failure
12. the failure to investigate explosive increases in extra deaths in each of the three calendar years of the pandemic (2020, 2021 and 2022 when a total of 1.6 million extra deaths occurred compared to 2015-2019 calendar years) and attribute to treatment protocols, failure to treat and the non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPI’s), the motivations and incentives to commit “death by healer”
13. the failure to withdraw emergency use authorisation despite the need for different versions of the injections which simply “forced” new variants to emerge – variants that could be more or less lethal and infectious - despite clear evidence of “vaccine” failure and, indeed, the failure of the entire mRNA and viral vector “vaccine” platforms to positively impact public health outcomes
14. the failure to assign federal funding for nationwide of diagnostic centres for diagnosis of “vaccine” injuries affecting vital organs and the interaction of non-C19 treatments
15. the failure to provide either reparations from big pharma super profits or reductions in military budgets OR adequate and accessible compensation to both those damaged by “vaccines” and their families
This is much of the truth as I see it. I assign the blame squarely at the feet of the most senior civil servants, scientific, medical and military advisors to Trump, but ,as Commander-in-Chief, the buck stops there. The same applies to the consequences of “Operation Warp Speed”. Other advisers were present, but Trump’s generals given command of the battlefield rolled the dice and lost the war.
However, Trump does not bear huge responsibility alone. Health regulators had the power to at least allow treatment protocols that worked without risk of harm and regulators also had the power to deny emergency use authorisation given the existing safeguards built up over decades of experience. Regulators in the US, EK, Europe and elsewhere failed in their duty of care and responsibility. A flagrant breach of fiduciary responsibilities that can only be wilful malfeasance.
Bidens’s generals are simply multiplying “collateral damage” by destroying civilians with indiscriminate “friendly fire”.
Bottom line? Well you have seen the charts from here for the US – more than an extra 1.6 million dead over 2020 to 2022 – that extreme increase has abated somewhat, but has persisted at still extreme levels over 2023:
United States Deaths in 2022, How Many Deaths in United States 2022 | Dead or Kicking
Still at +10% so far in 2923
(21) Is the US back to normal mortality levels? - by Ben M. (
Let’s further illustrate at the global level by looking at estimates and projections of global annual deaths
Deaths per year (
In millions,
2015- 55.9, 2016-56.2, 2017-57.0. 2018-57.3, 2019-57.9
An increase of 2.0 million over those 5 years = an increase of 0.4 million per year.
One could project that annual 0.4 million annual increase over 2020, 2021 and 2022 to get a rough approximation of progression in numbers of deaths per year.
Trend deaths: 2020-58.1, 2021-58.5, 2022-58.9 million
Actual deaths: 2020-63.2, 2021-69.3, 2022-67.1 million
The 2022 number is a projection by OWID. The DeadorKicking site has an estimate of 69.2 million.
So, an extra 5.1 million dead in 2020, 10.8 million in 2021 and either an extra 8.2 or 10.3 million in 2022
2020 was the first C19 year, 2921 was the roll-out of the injections and 2022 the second year. Twice as many people died globally in 2021 and 2022 than died in 2020.
Global injections end 2021 and end 2022? Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccinations - Our World in Data
End 2021 = 9.0 billion, end 2022 = 13.4 billion
Given Denis Rancourt’s rule of thumb of one death per thousand doses, 90% of the extra 2021 deaths were caused by the injections and around half of the extra deaths in 2022.
I fear that the one per 1,000 doses does not reflect the far worse outcomes in India from their licensed Oxford/AstraZeneca viral vector injection for over 2 billion doses that had 4-5 times the reports of deaths to EUDRA. Russia also collaborated closely with AstraZeneca. A key missing input id China and its over 3 billion doses administered. (I think they would be gloating if its injection was better than Moderna or Pfizer, rather than inviting Moderna in to China to help).
Moving on.
I see attempts at reconciliation of some of this truth via the legal systems around the world. “Vaccine” supply contracts are becoming available, though no-one is (or can?) prosecute regulators globally for wilful malfeasance and dereliction of duty for the checks and balances they were charged to enforce.
It is beyond me why those conducting clinical trials cannot be prosecuted. The defence that the “government told me to conduct fraudulent trials” still does not negate the fact they did do and represented that they did so to regulators. It is dancing on the head of a pin.
Reconciliation will only come when full public House and Senate committee hearings of the entire “Operation Warp Speed” from start to finish are held, yet, aside from a few well-meaning but toothless Congressional hearings have been held or are underway, the scandal of 1.6 million extra dead Americans is not happening.
This is the reconciliation and title of the hearings “An investigation into an extra 1.6 million dead over 2020 to 2022”.
Moving on once more.
These can be based on actual harms, as measured by the change in health and deaths that would not have otherwise occurred, had victims not been injected. In my view, everyone injected has had their previous life expectancy reduced by at least 10% per injection.
A four time injected 40 year old who could have expected to live to 80 years old will probably develop morbidities that reduce that 80 years to (40 years times 40%) by 16 years to 64 years.
A 60 year old with the same 80 year life expectancy with three injections (20 years times 30%) would see a reduction in life expectancy of 6 years.
A 20 year old with two doses previously expected to live to 80, would see a reduction of 60 years times 20% - a 12 life years lost.
Hopefully though, there an increasing chance of medical advances to cure morbidities over time.
What should the compensation be for this and who should it be extracted from – NOT the victims.
The average American is 38 years old and has been injected 2.5 times; life expectancy has fallen to around 76 years.
On this basis, the average American will lose - 38 remaining years of life times (2.5 times 10%) 25% = around 9.5 years. (Population life expectancy will drop from, 76 years to 66.5 years without any medical or scientific advances.
Note, many people live far longer than life expectancy, which reflects all those that died from at younger ages. Not everyone has been “vaccinated” either. 270 million American have received at least one dose, meaning 68 million have not.
How much is each life year lost actually worth? Well, US median wages are round 50,000 bucks, a year so we can start there.
9.5 years population life years lost times 338 million Americans times 50,000 bucks.
160.55 trillion bucks over the next 29-38 years – call it 5 trillion bucks a year.
That is an estimate of the cost of operating at warp speed and, hopefully, reflects the cost of remedial health until death of those injected.
Last part – Cures
All those costs can be mitigated and eradicated with advances in medicine and science. Make no bones about it – this is a real health emergency of international concern. This is the cost of wilful malfeasance of the regulators and bad advice given to politicians.
We need another operation warp speed to focus research efforts in all medical fields, from CRISPR, to organoids to natural medicine and yes even actual sage and effective vaccines (maybe even mRNA injections that actually work) in order to develop cures for the exploding number of organ diseases occurring around the country and the world.
We need better diagnostic tools that will make the RT-PCR test look like a licking a finger and sticking it in the air. Diagnostics that will facilitate early treatment that at least mitigates effects until cures are discovered.
What we DON’T need are quacks and bureaucrats at the WHO or anywhere else to further corrupt global health with useless amendments and treaties. Neither do we need posturing sycophants of the Cult of Moloch.
We are in a global public health emergency caused by ignorance, hubris, eugenicists, psychopaths, narcissists, “wannabe” global dictators and fraudsters.
This needs to be corrected ASAP and the good guys and girls put in place to set the ship of humanity back on course.
(Same goes for climate measures!!!!)
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It's still here and will not go away.....
You're on the right track, sir. This is one of the reasons why we're writing our treaty/reparations demand list under the Geneva conventions and the Law of War Manual (as this is a premeditated attack on a civilian population, military law applies). Law of War Manual sections 11&12 specifically cover protections and remedy/redress.