The world called Hitler a lunatic for euthenasing the defectives.

Yet here we go again. Legal In Switzerland, Holland, Belgium & Canada.

This results in a slow creep into people's psyche. Then grows to an acceptance, justifying euthanasia by telling themselves; it's working just fine in those countries. So why not in our own country.

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Lets put the kibosh on that! The following content may contain suicide or self-harm topics.

New US Vit D research Dr. John Campbell VIT D3 48% LOWER RISK OF SUICIDE.


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EVERYTHING you SAY, can and WILL be used AGAINST you.

Talking about MAD, better term, Peter.

And that includes the various government subsidized 'services'

(Spy systems). And such a poor 'success' rate, so many failures that avoidance is best.

Beware the simple but loaded short questions. 'How are you?'.

Remember that we are not required to answer questions.

I exhausted mine at the last border crossing!

Even good friends, they ARE. But not so good friends know them,

get your information from them. If I trust them, a good friend,

I suggest we BOTH keep private, private. Often they just

don't have your intuitive skills. They then decide YOU'RE a bit 'off',

even though they like you.

Something quite strange happened to me many, many years ago.

I was just sitting down in a nice area in Metrotown (a big mall near Vancouver) when a pretty tough tall, dark 'stranger' sat down next to me on the bench, and began talking.

He was from Russia. Remember, this is decades ago.

He said quietly, 'It's worse here in Canada.' And he began pointing out who he called 'spies'. It looked possible to me.

Then he nodded and left.

Maybe he was in fantasy, but he seemed aware.

I think Canadians now see the evidence.

So it's been going on for a long time.

This is another reason I said 'no kids', Peter. Unless people

had a family business, they don't want their kids dependent on the system that will dictate to them.

Think about Jordan Peterson. Think about ALL that lost their

jobs over a failed jab. If someone has family, they must be able to

help them all the way along.

It's very dangerous and I won't be responsible for ruining someone's life. And I don't gamble with life.

Great posts. Important. As they say 'take care', and I add

'Watch your back'.

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Thank you for your concern.

Government mandated injection with experimental, poisonous concoctions, house arrest and compulsory masking, global health ID, monitored bank accounts soon to come if the IHR amendments are passed and Tedros has a bad day.

Watching our backs will be replaced with watching backs, fronts, sides, below and above ground etc.

Not much of a life to give up. There are many who would wait against the wall for the bullet from the government firing squad. We can all do our bit for each other to tell them to simply walk away from the wall with nillions of others.

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Thanks, Peter. What I..think??, I've seen happen is 'distancing' and from my studies on the jab, spike shedding, blood work in UNVACCINATED as well as vaccinated, we maybe risking our health, our life to get close to others!!

And that's not much of a life, is it.

The bible says this is not only wicked but run by an evil

spiritual entity.

Yeah, stuff of science fiction. And so is this!!

Evil is being given their 'day', so we see it.

From my reading, Peter, it's all 'science fiction' except it's true,

as far as my studies took me.

From my studies, and others, this is NOT all there is,

but I found no burning hell after death in scriptures either,

not a whiff.

But no, we don't subject lovely, sweet, vulnerable babies to have to live here.

Unless really set up for that, your own little farm, business.

And Christians don't have time for spiritual and family.

So, they help families IF unjabbed.

It's now dangerous.

Trust your gut, go by it.

Thanks, Peter.

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May 3, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Aye yi yi ! It just never ends! I’ve always loved Canada for its wonderful people and beautiful lands. Never in a million years would I have expected such evil that spawns from there daily. Canada once a beautiful country in now a snake den of vipers!

It’s time to remove the head of the snake, starting with Trudeau and parliament.

I mean assisted suicide for a hearing problem, are you kidding me? What’s next a hangnail? SMH 🤦‍♀️.

May God have mercy on them all.

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Capital punishment. That’s my new preferred term for it. Can’t wait to use that with my paramedic daughter...

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