Recognise sociopathy, irrationality and rank dissembling insanity, no matter its multiple guises!

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

For me as a vegan and Christian, both communities were a major disappointment to me.

Vegans (Esselstyn, McDougall, Bernard, and many other vegan leaders) rolled over. If anyone should know how corrupt the FDA is, they should.

As for Christians, the first thing I thought of was, Revelation 13:16,17, 'to receive a mark . . . so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark.' A missed opportunity to fling the doors wide open and invite all the fearful exposing the delusion and lies and offer comfort.

Sadly, for vegans, they can talk a blue streak about the health of endothelial cells, and cancer reversals through nutrition, yet went along with the isolation from family and other fear and lies dished up by the very agencies that they have struggled with. It was a head scratcher for sure.

Hopefully, more from every rank and stripe will resist the bullcrap this time.

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My med school and nursing school in Japan still requires them.

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When did doctors become such imbeciles?

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Aug 27, 2023·edited Aug 27, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Since always....it is baked in the cake...in the last few decades they are mere drug dealers controlled by big pharma...prescribing based on the latest pharm-rep that stopped by and took them out to lunch.......the pandemic has just been the sunshine/disinfectant that has shown us who they really are......

222. ET TU, BRUTUS? Doctors have disappointed me more than anyone else. https://robertyoho.substack.com/p/222-et-tu-brutus?utm_source=podcast-email%2Csubstack&publication_id=690651&post_id=111848809&utm_medium=email#details


"Industry Seduces Doctors," a chapter from Butchered by "Healthcare" https://robertyoho.substack.com/p/261-et-tu-brutus-part-2-doctors-betrayal?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2#details

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Anything to do with mask BS, I delete. Fed up with this crap. Ditto for cross-posted articles promoting spike protein detox, ivermectin cures etc. You know reproduction of spike protein is a myth - even McKernan said so more or less during interview with McCullough whose detox you promote. Same for anything to do with comparing people supposedly dying from covid and those dying from shots. Those figures are meaningless. Total waste of time.

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I’m want to better understand; if spike protein is a non-starter, what do you believe creates the fibrous clots in those who have been vaxxed and died of cardiac-related issues?

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McCollough and those flogging spike detox products say they're amyloid-like clots due to accumulation of misfolded spike protein, others polymerase structures from the hydrogel, yet others agglomerated. LNPs, self-assembling nanoparticles ... Whatever their origin, they're impossible to dissolve.

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So, you believe there is no spike protein produced? Do we have any definitive, science-based information on after-effects of COVID or the experimental bioweapons and ways to mitigate potential damage to immune systems?

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From what I have read their mRNA tech doesn't seem to work as planned. On long covid - if that;s what you mean by after-effects of covid - no such thing, nor covid for that matter. And I'm not here to do the research for you.

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Unfortunately, between the flouride, Chemtrails, HAARP and their weather weapons and the mass vaxed were in a Maskhole living hell these days.

The virtue signaling is off the charts, the only consolation is that these stupid asses are not long for the world.

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This is a humorous manifestation of the insanity of what Dr Steve Turley describes as neofeudalism and its imminent downfall. The elitists amass all the money and fake power. Then, in an effort to hold onto it, create a religion-like mass belief system of fear which, when adopted, causes its victim to defend the insanity. All the way to the gulag.

We will combine forces, shut down the machine of godless idiocy, and giggle our way to triumph. It has already begun.🚚🚚🚜🚜🇨🇦🇺🇸🌎🙏🏽❤️😅

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They work to signal to those around them that they are suffering from some sort of mental illness, so best just to give them as wide a berth as possible for everyone's sake.

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What if they are your employer?

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Tolerate them, but do not comply.

If they force the issue, get it in writing, with the understanding that when this is over,* they will personally be sued for their illegal actions.

Same thing if they persecute others for not being as delusional as them.

That way, they can never use " you were never forced" as a defence.

*Assuming that there is a point when it is over.

Failing all that, anonymously tell the FBI that your bosses are all Trump supporting, MAGA hat wearers, who have a copy of Ashleys diary and believe that the election was stolen.

That should do it.

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That won’t fly as I am certified in respirator use and know the health risks, I will not wear a mask for any purpose they were not designed for. Beyond that, though I love your method of revenge, I live and work in Japan. The IRS and the Treasury Dept. as a whole has sway here but not the FBI.

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

This time I will try to be consistent and every time I see or talk to someone wearing a mouth diaper on their sorry face I will start laughing at them very loudly!

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I choose the silent approach to them, and my neck is getting longer by the day from staring.

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Maybe ask them if they have a tin cup, so you can contribute a few nickels and dimes to their psychiatric costs

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