Arrest her and don’t let her have any retirement or severance pay!!!!

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Yes. Saw that. For the "properly sworn in" part, I wonder how many politicians over how many decades committed the same sin.

As for the tribal medicine aspect - well, can we all "identify" as members of the Crow tribe, really? (By the way, a gathering of crows (small c) is called a murder!

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Was more about the title part as many people take oaths, varying disciplines, from top down and do not hold to their oath.

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May 5, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

And, she knew the "P" vaccine caused severe birth defects but advised pregnant woman to take.

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Way too hot in the kitchen whatever the questionable legitimacy of her appointment.

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Walensky is the same as those murdering Nazi doctors.

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What a strange twist of fate. Someone of Jewish extraction taking the role of Nazi.

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She's following in Soros' footsteps.

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Traitorous sell outs.

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May 5, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

My sides hurt from alternate hysterical laughter and intermittent wretching.

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