Circling the drain or up in smoke? A few hundred thousand gallons of the contents of C19 injection vials about to enter the environment?
Circling the drain – disposing of billions of doses of redundant, harmful and toxic C19 mRNA “vaccines”
How do you dispose of several hundred thousand gallons of stale C19 toxic injection doses?
In the article (linked below) a few days ago, I posted a table on the number of doses ordered by just 5 countries and the EU, relative to their populations. The number of doses ordered indicates that governments knew IN ADVANCE that multiple boosters were required – so any statements by politicians and health authorities that “two shots and done” or “two shots, one booster and done” are revealed as lies.
What happened to 4.3 billion doses in NZ, Australia, Canada, UK, EU and the US? (
Here is the table for five countries plus the EU:
The UK and US numbers are certainly understated by a large amount. The UK and US governments do not publish details of purchases in a transparent way. It would provoke too many questions on price and supply source. Other countries around the world may have used the mRNA injections supplied by Pfizer and Moderna, or they may have used their own mRNA concoctions or viral vector injections (more akin to traditional vaccines). There is no easily obtainable data on the relative benefits and harms of mRNA injections compared to viral vector vaccines.
Quite apart from the millions of deaths and hundreds of millions of adverse events caused by the these “vaccines”, they have a limited shelf life, must be transported and stored in freezers before use and require careful dethawing as part of the production process of the vaccines (clinical trial injections were not frozen and dethawed!).
More detail on the possible allocation of the 4.3 billion unused doses is shown here, the donated doses may have come direct from Moderna or be dumped into the GAVI pool and allocated from there.
From here:
Moderna and Gavi announce update on Covid-19 vaccine supply deal (
For reference here are a few PRIVATELY RUN global organizations involved in the distribution of injections to the third world.
COVAX is run by GAVI COVAX Facility (
GAVI’s website is here Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance , Governance (
“In the past two years, COVAX delivered 1.8 billion doses of Covid-19 shots to 146 countries globally. This comprises nearly 186 million Moderna vaccine doses under the advance purchase agreement with the company, as well as donations.”
Here’s a little context on the quality of those Moderna vials! Moderna was busted for manufacturing malpractice. I doubt that Pfizer/BioNTech are any better.
Recall of Moderna C19 Injections? - by Peter Halligan (
Maybe that explains 1.8 billion doses of the 4.3 billion “unexplained” doses in my table. That leaves 2.5 billion unexplained doses from those 6 geographies. Maybe there is another 1-2 billion doses ordered and unused in countries other than the 5 + EU listed. Who knows!
To get some more context on the sheer scale of the issue of disposing of outdated, toxic doses, check this story out:
“..the Swiss government plans to destroy 10.3 million expired Moderna Covid-19 vaccines worth around 280 million Swiss francs (US$285 million). According to the Swiss government, Moderna and Pfizer-mRNA BioNTech’s technology was effective, leaving Switzerland with a large dose surplus.”
OurWorldinData already reflects the disposal of the entire 10 million doses ever shipped to Switzerland, so maybe the Swiss did not inject any Moderna doses at all and only administered Pfizer shots
COVID-19 vaccine doses administered by manufacturer, Switzerland (
Is Switzerland the “canary in the coal mine” of a massive dumping of billions of unwanted doses that have passed their use-by date? How much toxic waste are we talking about? Let’s all pray that the spike proteins are completely destroyed and don’t re-enter the atmosphere in the smoke exhaust of incinerators!
Moderna and Pfizer dose volumes here and here:
Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Dosage Guide - – 0.5 mL
The weighted average, given that in the EU, for example, four times as many doses of Pfizer were administered than Moderna, is around 0.35 mL
There are a thousand mL in a litre, so 350 million mL per billion doses = 350,000 Litres per billion doses. That’s around 92,500 US gallons - or 77,000 UK gallons - per billion doses.
If 2.5 billion doses are headed down the drain or up the chimney, that’s 875,000 litres of toxic waste = 231,000 US gallons (192,500 UK gallons).
Of course, all the vials and their stoppers need to be properly disposed of as well. Maybe the needles can be used for the billions of “new and improved” bivalent mRNA injections or the billions of flu shots that are about to be aggressively marketed for the northern hemisphere winter.
Lastly, there are 254 million unused doses (doses shipped minus doses administered) in the US here (note the doses shipped is not the same as the doses on order)
CDC COVID Data Tracker: Vaccinations in the US
and 376 million unused does for the EU here:
COVID-19 Vaccine Tracker | European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (
I wonder if the Green lobby in the US and EU will be insisting on proper disposal that does not harm the environment!
How are the returns packaged, labelled, transported, loaded and unloaded, counted...where are they taken? What are the safety protocols - are there any? Who pays for the return process? Is this considered "standard medical waste" that is in the red containers in each hospital room?
Surely Pfizer & Moderna etc were required to document the disposal requirements and risks???
Another very informative, well referenced article.
I bet few if any of these people that care so much for our health even considered “safe” disposal of these poisons! They were all planning to simply dispose it in (trans)-human flesh.