Excellent article as always. Thank you very very much for all of your hard work in bringing these dark things into the light.

So? Will we be expecting the Woke/Green/Eco warriors to mount their podiums/rostrums & scream blue murder over this? For goodness sake don't let Greater Thunderbird see this!

This alarming "problem" Must be added to the charge sheet of the Crimes Against Humanity legal cases.

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Oct 21, 2022·edited Oct 21, 2022Liked by Peter Halligan

How are the returns packaged, labelled, transported, loaded and unloaded, counted...where are they taken? What are the safety protocols - are there any? Who pays for the return process? Is this considered "standard medical waste" that is in the red containers in each hospital room?

Surely Pfizer & Moderna etc were required to document the disposal requirements and risks???

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Peter Halligan

Another very informative, well referenced article.

I bet few if any of these people that care so much for our health even considered “safe” disposal of these poisons! They were all planning to simply dispose it in (trans)-human flesh.

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We usually incinerate hazardous waste.

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