Excellent article as always. Thank you very very much for all of your hard work in bringing these dark things into the light.

So? Will we be expecting the Woke/Green/Eco warriors to mount their podiums/rostrums & scream blue murder over this? For goodness sake don't let Greater Thunderbird see this!

This alarming "problem" Must be added to the charge sheet of the Crimes Against Humanity legal cases.

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Thanks. Politicians and health regulators are far too unaware to regulate anything. They create collateral damage like a herd of panicked, stampeding elephants

I posted this in late August whilst pondering the absence of chirping from the "holier than thou - get back to the middle ages" chicken littles out there.


the pollution caused to bring in the lockdown measures, masking, cleaning fluids, test kits and injections is beyond anything man has ever been guilty of from an environmental perspective and now a few hundred thousand gallons of toxins - billions of doses that have to be unstopped and the contents plus glass vials and stoppers . then disposed of as hazardous waste.

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The vials would be crushed, the crusher discharging directly into a high temperature incinerator (1200 Centigrade), probably a fluidised bed reactor.

Think of it like recycling glass.

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Where do the fumes go? Are they completely consumed?

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Off gas air pollution control, typically, through a multiclone separator > secondary thermal unit at 1600C > evaporative cooler > baghouse > sulphur scrubber.

Nothing makes it through that lot. Steam comes out the stack.

We were running 22 tonnes an hour, DDT, 2,4-D and a bunch of other pesticide contaminated soil through a thermal desorption plant (direct fired, rotating drum) at 550C. We did 150,000 tonnes. Land remediation.

A fluidised bed maybe run at higher temperatures, but considering this stuff needed to be frozen to -70C for transport I have little doubt the process could be operated at lower temperatures. I mean, at what temperature is nucleocapsid, nano lipid particles and the rest destroyed?

The only issue would be glass build up in the secondary thermal unit. We had this problem and it would shut the process down once a week. It needed to be cooled and the glass broken out. This would take the process off line for a couple of days and it takes a lot of energy to restart and get back up to operating temperature.

The hazardous waste treatment engineers will already have a process for this. Nothing special is required.

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Excellent information. Thank you very much for this. Let's hope that the skills you possess will be used by waste treatment engineers at sites in each country (including Ukraine!) where such disposal is required, or the packaged batches/lots are transported to such sites!

200,000 gallons in those 5 countries + EU would weigh (3x?) more than water (900 "old" UK tons) but would be dispersed to dozens of sites, so no big deal then for first world countries - fingers crossed the billion GAVI doses are picked up and returned from third world countries with the same care as they were sent.

Thanks again for sharing your expertise!

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It's really not a big challenge. Existing fixed waste treatment and disposal facilities can handle this stuff. Or even mobile units if this crap in Africa or other developing World countries without such facilities need destroying, although transnational shipment of waste is fairly common.

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How are the returns packaged, labelled, transported, loaded and unloaded, counted...where are they taken? What are the safety protocols - are there any? Who pays for the return process? Is this considered "standard medical waste" that is in the red containers in each hospital room?

Surely Pfizer & Moderna etc were required to document the disposal requirements and risks???

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Another very informative, well referenced article.

I bet few if any of these people that care so much for our health even considered “safe” disposal of these poisons! They were all planning to simply dispose it in (trans)-human flesh.

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We usually incinerate hazardous waste.

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