Thanks PH. You are one of the least dense people on earth!

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This is a spiritual war led by the dragon who has given power to the 1st beast in Revelation: the papacy-who thinks to change times and laws, like the 4th Commandment, (and just about every other doctrine that goes against God’s Word). Check out the book “The Great Controversy” to see what all the smoke and mirrors is actually hiding behind the scenes.


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A 3-letter agency is screwing with your computer remotely.

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Jun 8, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

You know once upon a time I would have laughed at that, not today. Wouldn’t suprise me.

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I agree. Happens a lot.

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Forget Their Dead.

The Only Thing That They Miss

Is Their CNN+ Subscription.

How Do I Know ?

My Neighbor Is Asking

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