Oct 24, 2023·edited Oct 24, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Hi Peter, Heiko Schoning may be on target, as the new company, formerly Emergent BioSolutions was previously BioPort Solutions (sole supplier of flawed anthrax vaccn) has close ties to the DoD. NOTHING good ever comes out of this company, regardless of their name. By announcing key companies and their players prior to any new attack, this may diffuse their actions, or not. Here's a counterpoint for you: "Over a Billion Views in the East, the West in the Dark w/ Dr. David Martin" - - https://rumble.com/v3o6s9a-over-a-billion-views-in-the-east-the-west-in-the-dark-w-dr.-david-martin.html - - David Martin tries hard not to repeat, much is new info from last week. Cheers?

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Always interesting and stimulating to listen to Dr Martin,

Seems that a parallel system is required that simply "blanks" the current corrupted one.

Root and branch.

Sort of a "Global Economic Forum" of "right minded" people of good standing, rather than the nest of vipers at the WEF.

Alternate central bank (and currency), alternate banking system, alternate legal system, alternate presidential, senate and house elections - alternate everything.

Which will of course result in civil war.

But as Dr Martin says - we are in a war already - Pfizer fired the first shot.

The enemy has already jilled tens of millions and wounded billions - the "alternates" have not killed a single enemy combatant.

So.. interesting, but nothing concrete?!?

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Oct 25, 2023·edited Oct 25, 2023

Hi Peter, it’s easy for people to get stuck in revenge reveries, or “trying to fix” an over-the-top corrupted system. Ever watch a dog chasing its tail? The imagery of moving from the kids table to the big kids table is not as easy as it sounds. Yet ultimate outcome may depend on many staying on course, not deviating to fulfill emotional yearnings. Just a guess: root issue to create diversified rather than central banking. (No idea what logistics that entails). Not a banker! Diversified governance rather than centralized? Flip Agenda 2030 to decentralize; thereby return power to hands of the people. My guess!

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Oct 25, 2023·edited Oct 25, 2023Author

Yes. A Christian might say "turn the other cheek" or "forgive us out trespasses as we forgive those that trespass against us".

Others may believe there is a message in Dostoyevsky's classic "Crime and Punishment".

Personally, I believe we are at war with the evolution of the Third Reich - based on the strongly held beliefs of eugenicists who refuse to "go first" and who believe that people are harming Mother Earth. Astonishing really. Mankind has maybe been around in one form or another for a few million years out of the 4.5 billion years Mother Earth has been around - and will disappear i the net few million years with Mother Earth not even blinking an eye.

As far as central banks go - well any country can have a central bank and most do. Countries or dependencies like Hing Kong and Scotland have PRIVATE banks (not central banks) which print or printed their own currency without using a central bank at all as we know central banks.

Central banks are neither good nor bad UNTIL hey become a pawn of government. Paulson and Bernanke fully corrupted the Fed under Obama. Socialists hate money and hence hate and restrictions that a central bank might impose on the escalation of socialism to its ultimate conclusion - the abolition of money in exchange for a - bereft of free speech and progress.

political power based system.

FWIW - my own belief is that there are crimes that must be punished because they damage society as a whole and without punishment, the crimes are perpetuated at increasing rates.

As you know I am vehemently opposed to socialism - I believe ir sponsors and promotes bad behaviours such as dependency and false beliefs in entitlements..

Here's an example. A few decades ago, I was in New Zealand. It had a scheme called the "Domestic Purposes Benefit". It was designed to provide benefits to "solo mums". At the time the population of NZ was around 3 million. There were around 500 solo mums with no source of income taking care of kids - nothing wrong with the intent.

When I left NZ about a decade or so later, there were 50,000 solo mums. I believe this epitomises the welfare state and system. The ones that actually need the money are swamped by those "gaming the system".

I believe that low to zero taxes encourage a cohesive, caring and inclusive soc0eity where the innate generosity of our species will provide targeted help to those that need.

Interposing the "state" does the exact opposite.

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Hi Peter, interesting take on Decentralization. Did not mean to imply no justice, looks like no international law court exists to handle cases like this. So may be some delay…first, need new governance!

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Well, there is supposed to be!

Check this out from December 6th, 2021 - drew a black of course.


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Here's a snippet, don't know if true or not: ..."though the Rome Statute was widely praised (some 140 countries had signed the agreement by the time it entered into force), few countries in the Middle East or Asia joined. Further, by 2002, China, Russia, and the United States had declined to participate, and the United States had threatened to withdraw its troops from United Nations peacekeeping forces unless its citizens (both military and civilian) were exempted from prosecution by the ICC. Nevertheless, within five years of its first sitting more than 100 countries had ratified the treaty. All member countries are represented in the Assembly of States Parties, which oversees the activities of the ICC." ...https://www.britannica.com/topic/International-Criminal-Court - - - and worse, the UN (as in Agenda 2030) may be involved, working directly with this court. May not be as independent as it appears.

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Thank GOD for Turmeric and other natural (and very safe) "antibiotics" that plow right through these new bacterial bioweapons. The majority of people who will die from them, will be the people going to the hospital and getting the newer, more DEADLY, (but completely ineffective) antibiotics, but who will be refused ANY vitamins, or even just proper nutrition.

Some years back my brother and his family caught "MERSA" (horrid antibiotic-resistant flesh-eating bacteria, which came from a HOSPITAL). For a month he and his family had open festering wounds all over their bodies, which were ONLY growing while they all took the antibiotics the doctor prescribed. Then he learned about turmeric- sores almost instantly began to dry and heal. A week later the whole family was FINE.

Make SURE you have Turmeric in your medicine cabinet! Take internally AND in poultice on any infected sores.

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How does turmeric "plough through the bacterial bioweapons"?

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It is an VERY effective broad-spectrum anti-bacterial. Far more effective than these crappy (and destructive) new antibiotics from pharma. These bioweapons were SPECIFICALLY engineered to be resistance to pharmaceutical antibiotics. They've yet to find a way to create things that can survive natural and safe "antibiotics."

When the doctors told my brother and his family that their ONLY option to deal with a flesh-eating bacterial infection (caught in the hospital) was the latest pharma antibiotics, they ended up trying all of the latest pharma crap only to see the infections INCREASING. They played this game for over a month, only seeing the infections GROW, while the doctors told them "It's an antibiotic-resistant infection. Here, try another drug."

However, once they started taking turmeric (orally AND poultice) everything cleared up swiftly.

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Former NBA great Dekembe Mutumbo died of a necrotising bacterial infection that was a side effect of some prescription medicine. I forget which drug it was, but this necrotising bacteria is a known side effect of it. Last year, after I was attacked by a German Shepherd, I had to take 2 courses of prescribed antibiotics, and this September, I developed a candida (fungus) infection causing arthritis in my knee and ankle (a known side effect of prescription antibiotics). I made a homeopathic antimicrobial salve from coconut oil, with oregano, tea tree, garlic, and cinnamon oils. When I applied this, the infection migrated to the toes and within a month of treatment the candida overgrowth was gone. I was also taking many things including clove, turmeric, and apple cider vinegar. My salve also cured the fungal rash associated with candida overgrowth. Now I just have to rehab from the connective tissue damage in my knee and ankle. Not easy.

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God bless you for sharing this data. We must be AWARE of what can be done - while avoiding ALL pharma products at this point, given what we KNOW their agenda is, i.e., EXTERMINATION.

MANY very safe and cheap, (or even free) natural things wipe out bacteriological weapons. And we know they're using chimeras (parasite DNA crossed with both bacteria and viruses, and used to cause our bodies to endlessly reproduce adenosine peptides- (code for deadly VENOMS - from no less than 36 of the most deadly creatures on the planet) so we should also keep in stock items that are effective anti-parasite, and anti-viral countermeasures.

And of course, the old-fashioned stuff we forget about, the highest quality of vitamin C, D3, A, etc. We have MUCH in our arsenals to fight all of what they are throwing at us. It does appear their MOST effective weapon is simply DIRECT INJECTION. Without that, we're still pretty hard to kill;-)

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Well that's good news. I'm glad we're hard to kill. We're at least a little harder to kill than the ones who've already been killed. The doctors get the treatment protocol straight from the AMA website, and pass it onto the patient no questions asked. Meanwhile, it's all government poison from the people tryna kill you. I'm in physician heal myself mode. It still shocks and disappoints me that the doctors are so complicit in this ongoing disaster. The public disclosures of side effects to the accepted medications are mind blowing. It's the most cynical and malicious system imaginable, and it's been going on since they pretended that chemotherapy is medicine after WW1.

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Peter, you are a "one stop" source for the most relevant data! THANK YOU!

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thank you for saying so, but there are many who are better resourced and more qualified that I lean on for even better data and analysis, such as yourself.

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So you believe the nonsense about turmeric?

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I'll keep my MMS and DMSO on hand.

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Seems plausible considering we now know with the DNA contamination people are already resistant to antibiotics. Remember, Gates said we'll certainly sit up and notice the next one.

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Great Peter, totally new for me, thank you for this "scoop"!

Coming from Germany, I wondered how this might align with recent arrest of Reiner Fuellmich?

Stay free and safe.

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