Every single person involved in this global genocide, straight into the ICC on Genocide charges.

"Trying individuals for genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and aggression."


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Don't expect the ICC to actually prosecute fully or punish justly any of the murderous psychopaths responsible for the last 3 years or tyranny, death, and destruction.

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ICC is part of the corruption.

Once you realize that your own government wants you dead, everything starts to make sense.

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The evil runs deep...

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To BMadre: Did you try the https address?


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No mention of the (carcinogenic) PEG coating in that article, except in the image



"4.2 PEGylation

PEG forms a hydrophilic corona around the hydrophobic nanoparticles forming a steric barrier. This layer prevents opsonization of plasma proteins onto the particulate carriers and thus bypasses the macrophage uptake with prolonged systemic circulation. "

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