De Santis wins approval from Florida Supreme Court to empanel a Grand Jury investigation into injections and injection manufacturers!
(19) Citizen Free Press on Twitter: "BOOM -- Ron DeSantis wins approval from the Florida Supreme Court to impanel a grand jury to investigate vaccine manufacturers and its Covid Vaccines...." / Twitter
Can’t wait for any evidential disclosures!
I wonder who the witnesses will be.
I hope that they included Dr, Reiner Fullmich and Dr. David Martin as evidentiary witnesses. They have ALL the receipts. Robert F Kennedy Jr. as well.
Not just who the witnesses will be but will they live long enough to testify? Will we see them succumb to many of the suddent death ailments that many citizens have suffered. We must demand nice long jail sentences not just fines. loss of any and all pensons and profits made from any investments made. no presidential pardens shall be allowed. no time off for good behavior. At the end of time served they shall be prohibited from any employment that involves any company that holds government contracts. no passports shall be issued. forced to be the first to take all the unproven and untested shots for any ailment. Let them live with the fear they have created for so many others. ---- I, Grampa