Not just who the witnesses will be but will they live long enough to testify? Will we see them succumb to many of the suddent death ailments that many citizens have suffered. We must demand nice long jail sentences not just fines. loss of any and all pensons and profits made from any investments made. no presidential pardens shall be allowed. no time off for good behavior. At the end of time served they shall be prohibited from any employment that involves any company that holds government contracts. no passports shall be issued. forced to be the first to take all the unproven and untested shots for any ailment. Let them live with the fear they have created for so many others. ---- I, Grampa

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Thank the Lord somthing is happening. All in His time and plans.

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Thank you Mr DeSantis, someone who cares for the individual and not the billions in their bank account!!!

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PUBLIC COMPLAINT AGAINST GOVERNMENTS 01/12/2022 - Action, legal action


Scientific cure without big pharma - Stop covid and cancer


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Mao asserted: Political power grows from the barrel of a gun. That is, it grows from politicians and judges and technocrats.

Reasoned argument before the assembly was a thing of ancient Athens, a long, long, time ago, and no more today.

God bless Governor DeSantis.


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I wonder who the jurors will be. Hope they rule out conflict if interest thoroughly!

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I hope that they included Dr, Reiner Fullmich and Dr. David Martin as evidentiary witnesses. They have ALL the receipts. Robert F Kennedy Jr. as well.

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I'm so cynical anymore. Nothing will happen. Not a thing.

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You are right and correct. The problem is: A whole world can not clear problems in a court of law, wich are ongoing for decades and more...!! Why?

SARS-2 CoVid-19 is a "false flag operation" of the "deep state" to implement the Ultramontenism on the foundation of the so called globalist "New-World-UN-Order" of the Vatican. The Ultramontenism is a fascist theocratic one-world-governement in the form of the one-man-pope-world-ruler...

Behind these fascist regime of the NWO are all the roman-catholic criminals of the deep state you can imagine... The Papal knights are in Top positions, like George Soros. Many of them are in this whole bunch of Mafia-Organisations etc. There are hundreds and hundreds of these secret Lodges and widely unknown clubs and organisations, so that they can operate in the dark.

Some of them are in "live-operation-modus" bevor your very eyes. All personal in the field of law MUST be a member in the international BAR (London) or in the American BAR. Without membership you are NOT allowed to get a ruling of a BAR-judge...!!

The whole thing is a massive worldwide cover up...!!

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In September of 2022, recall Pope Francis asking all citizens and businesses controlled by the papal state around the world to transfer their assets held outside the Vatican back to its vaults. Any thoughts on that?

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Good Question

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It absolutely is. Ironically A LOT of these players claim Jewish desert as well. They've taken over the catholic church!

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The good news is that this information will be on record in a court of law. I want to be optimistic, but it's hard. Hang in.

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A court of law? What's that going to do? There is NO JUSTICE SYSTEM

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I can relate to this, I am concerned about his actual motivations. Time will tell, and who are actually held criminally accountable will tell the tale. If it is just fines and etc. nothing to be happy about.

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