Aug 18, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Thankyou Peter for everything you do. You make me smarter and for that I can only thank you. I am very concerned about the canadian tragedy in Yellow Knife. My life is dull so I do dull things like plane watch. Bush fires with aerial support is one of my favourites. There does not appear to be any aerial support. I try to find a word for getting people to move into cities but I don't have one. Is there a word?

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hi Loubee, thanks for the compliment. I am sure you are smart already as you are interested and curious about what is happening. People who are "not smart" don't do that!

Bush fires with aerial support? You mean those big planes dropping huge amounts of water they scoop up from nearby? (I remember some poor diver getting scooped and dropped from years ago!)

The closest I can get to a term that describes movement of people to cities is "urbanization"


From the Latin "urbanus" - used to describe living in Rome, but later to cities or towns,"

If you keep looking up, you may be able to spot some UFO's!

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It will take a team of shrewd and able lawyers to put together a tight legal argument if we are ever to see accountability.

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Will Trump and Assange be executed while the enemies of God scoff and celebrate? If this happens it will be a clue to where we are in the timeline of Revelation. They could be the two witnesses.

Thanks for all you do.

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Thank you Peter for all your good work.

As described previously, Denis Rancourt et al and I independently calculated the same number of total Covid-19 vaccine-caused deaths in the “developed world”; 13 million to end 2022.

I’ve watched this carnage unfold - identified it in Feb2020, published on 21Mar2020, and was ignored. 13 million Covid-19 vaxx-caused-deaths worldwide to end 2022, excluding China, India and Russia, 19 million by end 2023 unless simple, effective treatments of the Covid-19 vaxxed are started soon; approximately 40 million Covid-19 vaxx-caused-deaths globally to end 2023.

I’ve become hardened by over-exposure to this reality, and that is wrong. Every one of these deceased were real people, who “loved and were loved”.

I was in Vancouver last week, visiting my good friend Dr Dave, a retired physician. Dave had told me that our hospitals were EMPTY on 20Mar2020 and that was the final key fact than enabled me to publish my very early warming of the Covid-19 scam.

We were drinking a Scotch overlooking the harbour one evening last week, and stumbled across the subject of this poem, a suitable requiem for the tens of millions who were murdered by the Covid-19 injections. I recited it from memory – my version, not necessarily the official one:

No man is an island,

Alone unto itself.

Every man is a piece of the continent,

A part of the main.

If a clod be washed away by the sea,

Europe is diminished,

Even as a promontory were,

Even as a manor of thy friends

Or of thine own were.

Any man's death concerns me,

Because I am concerned with mankind.

And therefore, send not to know for whom the bell tolls,

It tolls for thee.

- John Donne, Meditations XVII, 1624

Their needless deaths are the greatest medical crime in the history of humanity, and they must be remembered and respected. Medical murder of innocents. We need Nuremberg 2.0!

Best regards, Allan MacRae, Calgary

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Thanks to you also, Allan for all thou have done and still do.

Speaking of "the Donne" another of the first articles I posted


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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

I'm going to have to read this more carefully tomorrow as I'm not a figures person and it's late, but like you, I am certain injuries are far more under-reported than deaths. So many people down here in Tasmania (worst state with 17% EDR, compared to around 12% nation-wide) hobbling around, constantly sick, and not even making link to vaccine, nor their doctor. An acquaintance of mine, 48 yo, female, double vaxxed & recently boosted, is having urgent operation next Wed because a couple of cervical disks just collapsed all of a sudden. She wasn't even playing sport or engaging in any physical activity. Strangely she's not in much pain, just finding it hard to keep her head up. A neurosurgeon will be doing the operation, not an orthopedic surgeon, so it sounds serious. Re. AstraZeneka, not so sure it was more deadly. We know how they cheat with the figures and they no doubt wanted to knock AZ out of the market early to advantage the mRNAs. Probably all planned out in advance, with AZ in on it too.

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AZN was withdrawn very quickly - in around 6-8 months. Check out the table in this piece


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I would define “quickly” as 6-7 days to withdrawal of AZ, not 6-7 months.

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Should have been at the clinical trial stage.

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Agreed. Given what we’ve learned during the interim, the CEOs of said companies need to be brought to trial. Intentionally obscuring safety signals is malfeasance.

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Couldn't they tamper with raw data?

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Yes. Even global and country population numbers as well as vax numbers and deaths/hospitalizations. Nothing is a "hard fact". Lies,, damned lies and "sadistics".

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

When we were "arrested" (for exposing a regional senior justice) and interviewed by a Peel police officer in Ontario he advocated to just wait and "educate people". To which we responded "there's a body count while we wait". The officer's response: "There's always a body count".

Criminal negligence and a wanton disregard for human life. We have reported their action/inaction to the offices of the Judge Advocate Generals in Canada and the USA under the Geneva convention and the Law of War Manual vis-a-vis the Uniform Code of Military Justice. There is no remedy in their level as they are complicit with the crimes

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Accomplices and "accessories after the fact"?

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Most definitely. See exhibits 1, 4 and 8 in particular https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/158jmwJPyjP-gDvRCWuUOqXunLmKWwMbp

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I hate depopulation programs

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