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Best news of the decade for me that the big gun Doctors have finally come around to seeing how we got here today. Thank you Andrew , Del, the Mothers and the others . Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Turtles all the Way Down, Dissolving Illusions and Just a little Prick. I request they read them.

Just think if your child died from one of these vaccines and you are charged with shaking them to death . A lot of people are in jail accused/convicted of this, the symptoms are very similar, a swollen brain. Always ask for the muscles around the neck shoulder to be assessed as they will not be damaged if it is the vaccine.

It's a very horrible tragedy, first a dead baby , a broken family, a court case and sentence, a more broken family, a parent or babysitter doing a massive sentence for killing a baby and having to face the staff and inmates in prison, who are sure they did kill a baby , when all the time it was the vaccines, and that was being hidden.

Al the best to you all.

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