Feb 9, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

After the kids now.

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

They do NOT have the constitutional right

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

What the hell is wrong with this people. Don’t they see the kids dying from this jab!! This is murder!

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

The people pushing such bills are probably bribed pharma shills. The problem is with the general public who vote for them. Unfortunately the general public is ignorant and still believes vaccines are safe & effective. As a young mother in the early '80s, I thought the anti-vaxxers were weirdos. It was only on becoming a grandmother in early 2000s (with increased number of childhood scheduled vaccines) that I started to become aware but not really until I retired that I found the time to delve into all this. So it took me over 30 years to wake up. Unfortunately, the general public is still as ignorant as I was back then. They need a crash course to bring them up to speed, otherwise they're/we're doomed. The focus needs to be on education of the ignorant. Not sure how this can be done.

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

When my youngest son’s school was having their c-vaccine days, even though I did NOT give consent, I was still filled with dread that somehow they would coerce him into it.

Probably close to 100% of adults didn’t even have true ‘informed consent’, never mind the kids....

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I often wonder if the Lord is coming soon.

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The Lord gave us The Left, so we could develop our marksmanship and tactical skills. God let 200M innocents die under Communist aggression in the 20th century alone, and this century their technology is even more dangerous. Get strong, and prepare for war. Pray when the bullets whiz past your helmet, and return fire.

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BS ! You cannot just go ahead and Vax children without permission ! You should be sued and incarcerated for any harm to these children !

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The US has stopped following its own law long again.

An actual, similar case happened in Chicago. A hospital or hospital group decided that they were going to give all kids the recommended but not required vitamin D shot regardless of parental consent. Parents who did not provided consent had their child taken by CPS and were detained by police as the hospital administered the shot. After the shot was given, “Opps, we made a mistake by calling CPS and the police. Here is your child back. Good day.” A mother did take them to court and a recording of the conspiracy between the hospital, CPS and the police being set up in a meeting was found an entered intro evidence. I do not know the outcome, I believe the mother won but so what. The hospital still got to do what they wanted to her child. I have not read of any repercussions for those involved. If anyone lost their licenses, as they all should have, it was not widely reported, if at all. If any were charged with crimes, which they all should be, this too was not reported. I doubt very much that any have lost their jobs and would not be surprised if the practice continues despite the court case.

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This sounds like Lord of the Flies.

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These insane people will just NEVER quit!

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Nobody ever complied their way out of tyranny - or words to that effect from Robert Kennedy jr.

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Perfectly stated. The tyrants have lost any fear of us. Let's fix that. Hail victory.

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