The three pillars of the stool placed before the altar of the Cult of Moloch - sickness, migrant criminals and toxic injections.
Trump Derangement Syndrome is familiar to all. It is recognised as a “real thing”. Climate and Covid derangement syndromes are recognised only by the “awakened”, not the “woke”. The invasion of the US by criminals, enabled by Resident Biden’s corrupt regime is now too obvious to be ignored.
Check out this article in the right of centre UK news outlet the Daily Express today:
“Dr Nathalie MacDermott, a lecturer in infectious diseases at King's College London, shared her fears of an impending new pandemic that could plunge the world into a new lockdown.”
A lecturer at King’s College no less and a “Dr”.
“But the next pandemic is around the corner - it might be two years, it could be 20 years, it could be longer - but we can't afford to let our guards down."
Guards? Maybe she failed English.
This is akin to a town of 100,000 saying “we have 4 fire stations, but the town might burn down some time in the next 100 years so we better build another 100”.
Just imagine when she sees that the huge body of evidence showing that THERE WAS NO PANDEMIC BEYOND THE FLU, that it was the UK government and Midazolam Matt Hancock that murdered tens of thousands of the elderly and infirm and placed DNT notices as they died. She obviously has no comprehension that we had a “testing pandemic” and that lockdowns and masks were known to be USELESS AND COUNTERPRODICYIVE BEFRE THEY WERE MANDATED!
I would bet a lot of money that she did not read the clinical trials, or its end points or has any awareness that there are around 20 million dead amongst the 5.6 billion people injected withIr3.7 billion does from the experimental C19 modified mRNA injections .
It gets worse.
“She noted growing temperatures could contribute to turning countries that previously enjoyed moderate weather conditions into the perfect breeding ground for a new infection.”
“Growing” temperatures – like some organic material. I bet she has no concept of how badly she has been brainwashed by bogus science and the censorship of the evidence.
Makes you wonder if she thinks that “growing temperatures, presumably from some average, could be rising – not because highs are going up – but because winter lows are increasing. I bet she would struggle with the concept that ten times more people di of the cold than the hear.
Which brings us to immigration.
Have you noticed how blue states are begging for federal funds to pay for the impact of criminal migration that they embraced as “sanctuary states” ad cities?
What they are essentially saying is “someone else must pay for our choice of being a sanctuary for criminals – or borrow the money”.
Immigration is the third leg of the (literal) stool of the Maoist/Marxist/Cult of Moloch grand master plan for global domination – pandemics (like C19), climate and mass migration.
Hochul to Feds: The Migrant Crisis Is Your Problem (
Gavin Newsom gives new handout to illegal immigrants and taxpayers could be on the hook (
Michigan, predictable, takes its bail-out via the back door – taking fed money to replace spending it should be undertaking.
How the $1.2-trillion Biden infrastructure bill will be spent in Michigan | Bridge Michigan
“More than $10 billion will soon be on the way to help Michigan fix bridges, repave roads, replace lead service lines, fortify against climate change and make other investments, after Congress passed a $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill that awaits President Joe Biden’s signature.”
It’s not just blue states and cities that are seeking funds to pay for Democratic party policies. This is ot a Demcratic Party – it is a Cult.
I was annoyed that speakers at the “Freedom Movement” last week, in front of the Supreme Court building kept referring to “the Government” – it is not a Government – it is a criminal racket engaged in the destruction of the US – it is a Cult with the Democratic Party being Al Capone’s book keeper.
And we have SCOYUS judges that believe that the Government (Democratic Party) ca act as a tyrant whenever it causes a derangement syndrome with a scamdemic, puts it knee on the neck of free speech and then injects its ow people with spike venom. All whilst people who had no other interest than saving lives and harms. Yes, there are SCOTUS judges that think the First Amendment is “optional” and government ca do no wrong and will always act proportionately in the “one size fits all” dogma of the Maoist/Marxist/Cul pf Mploch. Just get the tattoo – no exceptions, for ay reason.
Check out this little nugget – not that it matters in the 90% Democratic Party bastion.
As a reminder, US unemployment is the highest it has been in two years – on the way to scamdemic levels– and US homelessness is also at a record. US companies are setting up plans to employ criminal migrants – you know, a fair proportion of which were emptied from Venezuelan prisons and who are probably on the run from a whole host of countries. Many US companies are sating “Screw Americans and the taxes they pay to take care of their own”. These are companies in the US and also around the world.
Check out this website:
“Companies have a critical role to play in helping refugees – who have been forced to flee their home countries – integrate into their new communities. We focus on mobilizing leading businesses to connect refugees to work through hiring , training , and mentorship – because we know that securing a job is a critical milestone for a refugee building a new life.”
“We work with the world’s leading companies to connect refugees to jobs – at scale – harnessing what employers do best to overcome refugees’ pervasive exclusion from the workforce.”
They SHOULD be excluded from the work force because they are CRIMINALS.
You can see a “member” list of companies in the program here:
Our Members - Tent Partnership for Refugees
A global effort.
Not much about helping out America’s poor with the same programs right?
This is blatant discrimination. Not gender, race, religion or age discrimination – discrimination against ALL struggling Americans – if not their jobs, then the provision of their health, education and welfare – these criminal migrants DIVERT resources away from Americans and towards themselves – THEFT AND EXTORTION - aided and abetted by the Democratic Party cartel and “woke” companies and, of course the United Nations and a whole bunch of NGO’s.
Note that the migration of criminals to the US. UK and EU does not occur in China, India or Russia.
Every UK village, town, city and county offers government controlled sanctuary to all criminal migrants. It does not call them criminals and is trying to get past those that protect them. If the US has absorbed 40 million migrants over the last several decades, the UK will, on a pro-rata basis, have absorbed 8 million. Not that anyone in the UK government has the numbers. It used to guess the numbers by checking out the net arrivals and departures at a few airports.
Derangement syndrome – with a lot of corruption and incompetence thrown in for good measure.
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Yeah they need to get one of them mrna thingies for those derangement syndromes.
While the typing could use a wee bit of review and tightening, the message is clear, compelling and correct.