Sensational movie exposes the mass censorship of the truth about the climate – allowing only the corruption of science creating a fundamentally flawed narrative
Regular readers will recall past articles such as this one that debunk the entire premise of the narrative behind “global warming”, the absurdity of “Net Zero” and the inflationary impacts of “green” taxes and subsidies that cause energy and food poverty.
Now there is a sensational new 80-minute movie that lays bare the entire scam of “Climate Change”, advocated by mentally challenged and corrupt individuals over decades.
The movie shows how the censored narrative takes most of its temperature readings from city hot spots and downplays readings from the sea, satellites and the countryside. It also reveals how clouds are 100 times more significant than CO2, how the sun is vastly more important and even how interstellar radiation is more significant as our solar system travels through the spiral arms of our galaxy.
The climate models used to perpetuate the entire climate scam ignore the sun and the clouds, let alone consider cosmic influences and they are always biased towards far higher temperatures than can be observed in real life.
The climate models are a virtual reality – a cartoon – created just like a video game.
You can see how the same tactics used during the C19 scamdemic have been applied for far longer. The tactics are the same. Steal taxes and create a debt burden for future generations, censor all truth (counter-narratives), sack and defund opponents and leave only a false narrative in place that rewards those that are sycophants of a Cult.
Here is the link to the movie:
Climate: The Movie (The Cold Truth) English (
The excellent covers the movie here:
Must Watch! ‘Climate the Movie: The Cold Truth.’ – The Expose (
Here are some of the bona fides of those that contributed:
“The film includes interviews with a number of very prominent scientists, including:
Professor Steven Koonin (author of ‘Unsettled’, a former provost and vice-president of Caltech),
Professor Dick Lindzen (formerly professor of meteorology at Harvard and MIT),
Professor Will Happer (professor of physics at Princeton),
Dr John Clauser (winner of the Nobel prize in Physics in 2022),
Professor Nir Shaviv (Racah Institute of Physics),
Professor Ross McKitrick (University of Guelph),
Willie Soon and several others.
The film was written and directed by the British filmmaker Martin Durkin and is the sequel of his excellent 2007 documentary The Great Global Warming Swindle.
Tom Nelson, a podcaster who has been deeply examining climate debate issues for the better part of two decades, was the producer of the film.”
These people are amongst the most experienced, best qualified and intelligent people on the planet.
Willie Soon is part of Ceres, website here: Environmental Science | CERES-Science
I hope that people and families can carve out a few hours of their busy days to understand the crimes being perpetrated on them. Crimes that steal money from their pockets in the form of higher taxes and high inflation that reduce their ability to live happier, higher quality lives with more opportunities.
The propaganda that is being and has been foisted on children and adults over decades is mind-boggling. Consider that as China and India have lifted literally billions of people out of poverty using hydrocarbon energy, African nations are being denied. Consider also that the “transition” to “renewables” - such as wind farms and solar panels - requires the rape and plunder of the planet at multiple times the current rate, requires massive amounts oof hydrocarbons like diesel to transport, along with roads and transmission lines and has to be disposed of in landfills (blades). All this whilst destroying entire eco-systems and biodiverse environments both on land and sea.
I suspect that Disease X will morph into a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC pronounced FAKE) and will be declared immediately the changes to international health regulations are rolled out.
Pandemics, Climate Change and Mass Migration are the three legs of the (liberal) stool that the United Nations sits on. The Biden junta is an enabler and so are countries like the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the EU. These political sycophants think they have mental superiority over others in the same way that the Nazi’s in Germany thought they were racially superior. They are not, they are an evil that must be ejected from our lives.
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Thanks for posting this outstanding piece, which shows that human nature has not changed one iota since the Salem Witch Trials.
Thank you Peter for posting this excellent movie " CLIMATE: THE MOVIE (THE COLD TRUTH)".
I also posted it earlier today.
Here is my Introduction - the not-so-nice Canadian. JUSTICE!
Nuremberg 1.0 put an end to the atrocities of World War 2, and Nuremberg 2.0 will put an end to the atrocities of what may be termed World War 3.
Whether they realize it or not, every politician, scientist and media who collaborated in the Climate and Covid frauds is an archcriminal, guilty of the most egregious Crimes Against Humanity. Some of the culprits will claim ignorance, that they "did not know", they "thought they were doing the right thing". That excuse did not work at the end of World War 2, when Nazi collaborators were executed in their multitudes, and it won't work now.
Nuremberg 1.0 put an end to the atrocities of World War 2, and Nuremberg 2.0 will put an end to the atrocities of what may be termed World War 3, a conspiracy of global elites to impoverish and subjugate humankind through fraud and mass murder.
The death toll from three years of the toxic Covid-19 "vaccines" now totals about 20 million in the Western world, possibly twice that globally, and continues to grow. Billions more are vax-injured, some very seriously, and will never live normal lives – they suffer chronic illness and their lives will be shortened by decades.
This was not an accident, an error. The elites were warned at the outset of Covid-19 that they were on a dangerous path, and yet they proceeded. They knew! That is the definition of murder.
The human toll from decades of the Global Warming (aka “Climate Change”) fraud numbers in the hundreds of millions, lives in the developing world that have been squandered by denying them access to cheap, abundant, reliable fossil fuel energy.
Some say these criminals should be executed. At a minimum, they should be imprisoned for life, and all their assets and pensions confiscated. They have killed many millions, and harmed the lives of billions. We need to return to Rule of Law.
We need Nuremberg 2.0 and we need it now.
Regards, Allan MacRae, Calgary