Yeah, they don't want us to understand ANY of their so-called "science" (or see any of the real DATA) but we're supposed to "trust" it. Yeah sure. Trust the data/science that they want to keep hidden for 75 years. Of course we can trust it;-)

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Thank you Peter for posting this excellent movie " CLIMATE: THE MOVIE (THE COLD TRUTH)".

I also posted it earlier today.

Here is my Introduction - the not-so-nice Canadian. JUSTICE!


Nuremberg 1.0 put an end to the atrocities of World War 2, and Nuremberg 2.0 will put an end to the atrocities of what may be termed World War 3.




Whether they realize it or not, every politician, scientist and media who collaborated in the Climate and Covid frauds is an archcriminal, guilty of the most egregious Crimes Against Humanity. Some of the culprits will claim ignorance, that they "did not know", they "thought they were doing the right thing". That excuse did not work at the end of World War 2, when Nazi collaborators were executed in their multitudes, and it won't work now.

Nuremberg 1.0 put an end to the atrocities of World War 2, and Nuremberg 2.0 will put an end to the atrocities of what may be termed World War 3, a conspiracy of global elites to impoverish and subjugate humankind through fraud and mass murder.

The death toll from three years of the toxic Covid-19 "vaccines" now totals about 20 million in the Western world, possibly twice that globally, and continues to grow. Billions more are vax-injured, some very seriously, and will never live normal lives – they suffer chronic illness and their lives will be shortened by decades.

This was not an accident, an error. The elites were warned at the outset of Covid-19 that they were on a dangerous path, and yet they proceeded. They knew! That is the definition of murder.

The human toll from decades of the Global Warming (aka “Climate Change”) fraud numbers in the hundreds of millions, lives in the developing world that have been squandered by denying them access to cheap, abundant, reliable fossil fuel energy.

Some say these criminals should be executed. At a minimum, they should be imprisoned for life, and all their assets and pensions confiscated. They have killed many millions, and harmed the lives of billions. We need to return to Rule of Law.

We need Nuremberg 2.0 and we need it now.

Regards, Allan MacRae, Calgary

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Ivor Cummins also posted it on youtube earlier today, going viral: Free Movie Time: Superb watch and explains EVERYTHING on Climate! - - https://youtu.be/p4vSMj4R5Rg?si=JvqRentCU2QRhqIs - - what is shown is this is big govt, funded and developed over years, now millions of jobs involved in this new industry. Yet the narrative is falling apart. esp the CO2 being the trigger for temperature rise, instead the CO2 increasing only AFTER temperature increases. (Check out views of windmills on fire, intense maintenance is needed to keep this from occurring.) There's still no evidence of any substantial ROI from these projects. Installation costs are sky high, especially over water. Germany announced late last year they are taking their North Sea windmills down.

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Thanks for posting this outstanding piece, which shows that human nature has not changed one iota since the Salem Witch Trials.

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My bad - corrected, I misread the end time stamp and I watched the whole thing too!

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The globalists who win the stupidist greed speech ideas make the most money.

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2024. No sensations. What was truly sensational was the presentation by Tim Ball in 2014: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZRxxkvt-pc&ab_channel=AngryOstrichProd

The complete lecture and some other videos are in the channel https://www.youtube.com/@AngryOstrichProd/videos

Here is more from Tim Ball, quite recent: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6emn0Emrro&ab_channel=OppenheimerRanchProject

Once you watch his presentations, you don’t need to read or listen or watch anything else. You get the complete understanding how “scientific” “measurements” are taken - which will free you of any concerns about anything decision makers decide to flag for this season.

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Thank you Dan for remembering my longtime friend Tim Ball and some of his accomplishments. Tim was a treasure, a man of exceptional competence and character.

This film was very well done and featured many of my longtime friends. I was particularly pleased to see Sallie Baliunas and Willie Soon. We met in Boston pre-Covid and had the most wonderful four-hour breakfast, solving all the questions of the Climate world.

For the record, Sallie Baliunas, Tim Patterson and I published in 2002:

1. “Climate science does not support the theory of catastrophic human-made global warming – the alleged warming crisis does not exist.”

2. “The ultimate agenda of pro-Kyoto advocates is to eliminate fossil fuels, but this would result in a catastrophic shortfall in global energy supply – the wasteful, inefficient energy solutions proposed by Kyoto advocates simply cannot replace fossil fuels.”

– by Sallie Baliunas (Astrophysicist, Harvard-Smithsonian), Tim Patterson (Paleoclimatologist, Carleton U), Allan MacRae (Professional Engineer, retired, Queen’s U, U of Alberta)

Two decades later, I would not change one word. The Global Warming (CAGW) Fraud was never about the climate - it was always a politically driven falsehood to stampede the sheep, in order to gain financial and political power for global elites.

That is all we really need to know. - the alleged "Climate crisis" is a 50-year-old scam.

Regards, Allan MacRae, Calgary

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Allan, it’s a true honor to hear from you. Thank you for this heart-warming response.

I first saw Tim’s recording a few years back, when the geoengineering interest was on the rise, and the conflicting or insufficiently supported information was abundant. This one lecture was enough for me to stop checking all these “facts” reported by the media as required. You simply can’t challenge the particular aspects of the science when they are presented by a competent person who does his/her job in the true interest of the scientific search.

However, I also took another interesting lesson from this lecture. “Ask the proper question” + “Define properly” + “Verify everything against local determinants”. So simple.

Thank you and your colleagues for your great work.

Regards, Dan

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Tim Ball published this comment on my 2008 paper as follows:

"CO2 changes LAG temperature changes at ALL measured time scales."

That remains one of the most profound statements in Climate Science. It is an absolute disproof of the Global Warming (CAGW) scam.

"The future cannot cause the past."


The Catastrophic Human-made Global Warming (‘CAGW’) hypothesis is based on a false premise – it assumes that atmospheric CO2 changes drive temperature changes, which is incorrect. If CO2 was a significant driver of global temperature, atmospheric CO2 changes would LEAD temperature changes in time, but they do NOT.

Atmospheric CO2 changes LAG temperature changes at all measured time scales. long-term on the ice core record and also short-term, as proved by MacRae (2008 in icecap.us), and Humlum et al (2013 in Science). Kuo et al (1990) made similar observations in the journal Nature that were ignored for decades.



November 2, 2023


Allan MacRae of Energy Experts International is an energy and climate expert based in Calgary

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I took a slightly different approach to the C myth here: https://thepathishere.substack.com/p/you-cannot-change-climate

Since my knowledge in your field is at the freezing zero, I cannot claim anything but changing my views from “I pee see? see?” to common sense, and connecting the dots with another big parallel program of reducing human-made CO2 “pretty much to zero”, as the great genius once publicly declared. So I tried to calculate this one in a simple Excel sheet: https://thepathishere.substack.com/p/overpopulation

I once did a similar exercise for the total CO2 volume in the atmosphere. The depth of the resulting “layer” of CO2 (if compressed to a single, continuous and uniform globe-like shield) was a tiny fraction of an inch, according to official bulk data. These are nice simple exercises which could be used to train teenagers in practising the art of understanding the difference between our mind and where we live.

Thank you for the “State of the Climate” link. Didn’t know it. This is a great abbreviated information on the subject, with so many aspects presented.

As I see it, the dominance of agenda-driven “truths” is possible because the other part of the story is not published in languages other than English. If you allowed your work being translated into, say, German, Spanish and French, and a dozen more of significance in the world, and made it copyright-free, mainstream journalists (native speakers of these languages) would pick up the information and pass it on (hopefully) to the readership. Once the readers find a subject interesting, they will flock to conferences or presentations. Then you can share or sell more publications, touching on a variety of subjects, all addressing the perception of a common man. Which will, sooner or later, openly face ad hoc fantasies and contribute to the changing of the narrative. A closed-loop cycle, if you will. After the initial time needed to build up the momentum, miracles will happen. Just like the geoengineering conspiracy theory is now officially discussed in the mainstream, still at at a timid rate, but it is happening - and my bet is that the flood of YT clips helped a lot in the long run.

The future cannot cause the past, but Now can help build the understanding of the future.

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