Aug 16, 2023·edited Aug 16, 2023

"An American uses 365 plastic bags a year – they are used for an average of 15 minutes and just foul up recycling plants."

If that's the case, why aren't we knee deep in plastic bags? I don't know anyone who sends plastic bags to the recycling plants. If I tried that, the waste collection folks would leave it at my curbside. Why do I have literally hundreds of reusable plastic shopping bags in storage for when I need them? How does replacing Polyethylene with Polypropylene—and calling those bags "reusable"—solve the supposed problem? What is the alternative besides ravaging the forests or collecting and 'recycling' manufacturing-intensive, incredibly heavy paper? Think of the fuel costs for transportation. We used to use cellophane and now we use Saran(TM). Polyethylene can be easily ground up and re-pelletized to extrude more PE. Not so with PP. Most importantly, polyethylene is derived from ethylene gas, something we used to burn off as waste during the refining process. All modern landfills are lined with very heavy, 50 mil plastic sheeting to prevent "bio-degrading". We put our landfill waste in plastic bags because we don't want it to degrade. We contain it and bury it because we want it to stay intact for as long as possible, so it doesn't seep into the soil and ground water. Plastic bags are perfect for the job. We vent the buried waste to release built up methane (natural gas) and some folks collect it for fuel. Why are we demonizing plastics and not the idiots who misuse them and just about everything else—mainly politicians and regulatory agencies?

Arguably, plastic is the greatest invention of the 20th Century. Just sayin' ...

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

I’ve always wondered why the global cabal, so intent on ‘saving the planet’ are avoiding the subjects (like pollution, including pesticides, pharmaceuticals in our water, and of course plastics in our oceans) that are actually destroying the planet.

(I don’t really wonder...I know they don’t give a hoot about anything but power over the people)

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