When do the American people holler STOP !

The US govt has got to step in and put an end to this idiotic madness !

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Pity Ice Age Farmer is no longer making videos. He used to follow this sort of stuff closely.

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Why use a war to take over a nation? War destroys the infrastructure and renders the nation not just useless as a power but unproductive, costing billions to reconstruct.. what they want is a functional nation productive element in place but fully controlled and obedient. Having enough food will keep the nation from riot and destruction of government control. the other things they must have is control over the media,( which is in place) also removal of all arms. this is the biggest obstacle. The efforts are nearing completion. dividing us up into ever smaller groups prevent any sizable organization of pressure to restructure government. they distract and work to make other crisis more important. this is where media must function at its best. working to convict as many as possible for inconsequential crimes that they offer the "deal" of probation gives them the guilty plea they need. once guilty are then blocked from owning or purchasing a gun. they also cant reside in the same home where others own and store guns. this restricts gun ownership even more. it takes many drops to fill an ocean but each drop is required to fil it. look beyond ownership of food processors and see how many burned down in the last year. raising food prices puts pressure on the citizen and directs their attention away from government actions. the misdirection had started many years ago by raising taxes to where families needed to have two incomes to live at an average level. lowering money to buy things a normal family needs raises costs even higher. poor quality products that cant be repaired requires people to go into debt even farther because items we normally had for twenty years now last only ten if that. the need for appliances to have many bells and whistles offer convince but at what cost? they cost more to begin with and most are never used. yet they offer nothing without them. food is no different. because both people are working they must have food that is quickly prepared. this requires a microwave, again with all the bells and whistles that are never used. fortunately the microwave is one item that is fairly reliable and long lasting. Food however is now loaded with tons of salt. preservatives to keep it from spoiling. ingredients that are unpronounceable that have little or no food value. many untested that cause allergies that we must now spend our dollars on our medical system that we now find demands that we have inoculations that are guaranteed to cure us or not? Now we find that we are not allowed to question government on their demands. if we refuse to get it we are fired from our jobs. We no longer can vote for a government that protects us. we are told who we must vote for because our party dictates who is best for them. Again if we object we are put in jail. It seems that a country purchasing our food supply is the smallest of our problems. sorry for my lengthy rant.-------------------I, Grampa

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I will not give up our weapons ! I’ll be glad to give you some lead though !

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Home cooking is part of the answer. I prepare our meals from scratch. They are healthy and inexpensive. But it takes time and some skill. Bring back housewives!

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Gramps I agree with everything you wrote except the last sentence…… if a nation hostile to U.S. controls our food supply it’s a no brainer……. I just got back from the Dominican Republic and had BBQ chicken that tasted better and was 2/3 smaller than chickens in the U.S.

I did a check and found the D.R. is the largest source of poultry in Central America and the Caribbean……the U.S. needs to form alliances with countries that are not our sworn enemies for the supply of food and medicine.

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cant comment on chicken from Dominican republic. what i know is the difference between a chicken raised on a farm and one raised in a pen that is fed with all sorts of growth hormones. My sister had one of these chicken farms and it was seven weeks from drop off to pickup. one week to clean the house and another batch was delivered. the food was delivered to the storage that metered out their daily intake. the only job my sister did was to pick out the dead each day and insure the feeder was working and didn't cavitate. it isn't just chickens but other meat as well. the injection of water to make the meat weigh up heaver is now done. watch the next time you fry up any meat and you will see the water boil off. it makes the grease spit even with lower flame temp. Gov wants to regulate everything but what it gets paid to ignore. We can see the water when we freeze meat that is wrapped. the crystals show up on the outside like freezer burn.. This all started when they filled fish with a weak brine to make them weigh up more. the others developed their own injections. I get my meat from a butcher that buys a half steer and cuts it himself that is how I get a true weight it also tastes different than the big box stores that process it in a factory. an interesting note for you. search how many food processing plants have burned down this year ----- I, Grampa

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