DOI -- Department of Idiots.

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The AI beast wants your data, even for such things as when you cook.

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A big problem not addressed in this post is the monopoly control of electricity in the country. There is no competition or choice of services the way t here is with gas. In NYS the Public Service Commission is another alphabet soup government appointed agency with people who rotate between the utility corporations and the govt oversight agency..

The article also ignores the claim that gas stoves are causing asthma in children. This feels like another bogus marketing like the health fear around covid. I seriously doubt gas stoves are the problem with children's asthma. More likely vaccines are which destroy the developing child's immune system. Further, cause is more likely the toxins in the air from corporate emissions and the harmful chemicals in the foods produced for children.

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

And yet the policies are rolling out in many places.

They don't need evidence or facts. They have marketing shysters and fact checkers.

Never mind that electricity for heating is far less efficient than natural gas. Or that the grid can't handle the EVs and new diktats about heating.

The dystopian juggernaut rolls on.

Leaving utter carnage in its wake.


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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

VAT is more of a yet another stealthy fine for working.


It's the staff, and they in reality pay this tax, even if pretends to be a sales tax.

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Yep! It is a highly regressive tax that disproportionately impacts the poor. Invented in the EU and inflicted on the UK when it joined. The UK is not in the EU and should abolish it. It also serves as an import tariff.

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I'm a Georgist so I dislike all the ways the rentier classes skim from our wages, they don't work, but they'll get the pay-outs.

The neo-feudalists who control the government as a welfare state for the super-rich with economic policy designed to maximise economic rents.

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There is no cost savings. If there was, you wouldn't have to force people to change, they would do it themselves. Isn't that what capitalism is all about? People making their own decisions of what is best? Oh yeah, we don't live in a capitalistic society any more.

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Whatever is being suggested as energy savings by the Deep State represents even more ways to control use, worse to make the US even more dependent on energy devices manufactured in China using essentially slave labor. With a teetering electric grid, wind and solar are a joke, inconsistent outputs. Wind turbines cost more and last for a shorter time than the energy these produce resulting in a net operating loss over time, but who's counting? (nevermind their low hum and birds being killed). Yup, the CCP is the deceptive and flawed model these WEF/Rockefeller/UN NGOs are planning to follow into their future (hopefully not ours).

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