Does not matter is it lab leaked in 2018 or 2019, it lab leaked

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This is not to say that there aren't biolabs where our regressive tax $$$$$$$$$$ aren't being wasted inventing nefarious new ways to kill off the hoi polloi.

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That is certainly what those who profit from the "existence" of CoVID want us to believe. However, there is still zero proof that any such virus has been correctly isolated from any sick person, & over 200 governmental agencies admit as much: https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/68-health-science-institutions-globally-all-failed-to-cite-even-1-record-of-sars-cov-2-purification-by-anyone-anywhere-ever/

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Campbell and Been are both limited hangouts, though they may not understand that themselves. They each have perfected the art of revealing the maximum Truth allowed by corporate media and social media. They always manage to approach the limit of what the elites will allow without going beyond and getting cancelled.

Campbell has done it repeatedly. In late summer 2020, Campbell reported on a European study showing the effectiveness of hycroxychloroquine, but rather than recommending it immediate use, he concluded that additional trials be done. In the spring of 2021, he blew the whistle on the need to aspirate syringes to insure the "vaccine" was not being injected directly into a blood vessel. While we now understand from Dr Bridle's revelation of the Japanese biodistribution study that even when correctly injected, the biologic is distributed all over the body, just not quite as much as if the needle penetrates a blood vessel.

Been was still claiming the biologic is restricted to the deltoid muscle and lymph nodes even after Bridle's revelation.. Neither of these guys can be trusted to expose the full truth of these injections, though they do provide a bellwether for what medical authorities are likely to concede in the near future. Neither will demand anything that could be embarrassing to the establishment, such as widespread and thorough autopsies of SADS victims or tests that can identify the true cause of those excessive deaths.

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My son had a terrible respiratory illness in early January of 2020.

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I don't like that Campbell and I don't trust him, I think he's been lying all along. He's very shifty. Watch his body language. He'll be the man they send out to apologise when shit hits the fan and I think the same about Malhotra. They're drip-feeding the truth so we won't notice what they've done

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Thank you as always for you posts.

Be an interesting exercise for anyone with the time & resources to create an overlay of any large American or joint USA NATO bases in all of the areas where the virulent flu of 2019 outbreaks first started.

Here in Kalyves on the Greek island of Crete we had over 60% o the village very poorly that September end, beginning of October.

Kalyves is just around the corner on the map of Crete from Souda Bay Greek Naval base. A massive American aircraft carrier was in the bay adjacent to the naval base in early September 2019.

Of course. Maybe coincidental? Just wondering is all!

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Please read THE CONTAGION MYTH, pp. 101-104 especially. "CoVID" respiratory distress happened in certain hotspots where biodiesel/biofuels ("bio" meaning GLYPHOSATE); air pollution from ships being the worst, as they use the lowest grade of diesel.

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Biohazard by Dr Ken Alibek too. Has great info on the struggle USSR had with Cv and they called it the fruit fly of bugs, since it didn’t last long enough to create a vax. The Soviets at that time would not work with something they could have an antidote or innovation for, and gene work wasn’t stable then in the 80’s & 90’s

His book is in the nih library


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Thank you for pointing me in that direction. We have a very busy ferry terminal & commercial shipping docks at Souda Bay plus the Greek Navy base. I shall endeavor to find out if they're using biofuel in the ferries.

An interesting set of observations regarding The Contagion Myth.


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OK, DON'T believe Cowan & Morrell. There are lots of other ppl who agree w/ them, though, like the Dr.s Bailey, & Stephano Scoglio. Not sure whether they're offering reasons for the sudden new pockets of ARDS, though. https://off-guardian.org/2022/11/07/that-mrna-vaccines-cause-cells-to-produce-spike-proteins-is-a-fairy-tale/

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Well, that's as fine an attempt at casting FUD as I've ever seen. So now (IMHO) you need to read the book, ITS sources, & all the stuff this article left out. E.g., what Lanka has written about viruses since 1989.

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In Vegas we had ‘prototype’ vehicles go up and down the Strip in fall of 2019

We had the worst flu that fall, again in Dec and again in Feb. if 2020. Worst flu ever. we didn’t get sick or have allergies till this year. and the only the jabbed person got sick first and brought it home. they got t worst and harder then either of us non jabbed.

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What fuels were those prototype vehicles running on? What were the EMFs like in that area? How much cell phone use was going on?

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They were prototypes that looked like your typical Desert war era armored trucks with panels dull grey paint and panels. 3 times in fall of 2019, that I know of. See D works from home and travels a lot, so we only really watched the news in those mornings to check traffic and weather. The Strip hosts 10,000’s of guests per week, then, in the conventions and trade shows. Some are auto related, some are industry specific, every sort of group or org or even military and gov related. And, there are always complaints about phones, since most of these casinos have awful reception inside. To guess, I would say the prototype were use as noted, most likely running on diesel, one spraying the other detecting. Now ‘what’ was sprayed is a great question.

they did look like the disinfecting trucks you see in some of the clips of chinese cities cleaning, but not with the fire hose aimed at the street, more like a club fog machine just puffing out from the top sides.

Really, other than that to look at them in a short news clip you can’t really tell what they may be pulsing or omitting.

haven’t seen them since

we moved out of LV last fall, into a desert area with no cable, so I haven’t kept up with vegas news except what may come into my feed on youtube.

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My whole family had a terrible flu bug around Thanksgiving in 2019...also in Las Vegas...

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The traffic on 3 different occasions had these alerts on the local news traffic.

The alert had said these prototypes were to test the air for particulates, nuclear contamination and bio chemical weapons etc. one went down the strip spraying, the 2nd and 3rd to test for contaminants

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