Revelations from the BIBLE against dictatorships




We must demand the visura, the publication of the assets of the high offices, of the judiciary by virtue of transparency


If instead of bullets or atomic bombs the obligatory vaccine for everyone with toxic


The CIA and its massacre protocol


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Unfortunately, Campbell is about 18 month too late. Others picked this well before him.

Negative risk/benefit in the efficacy studies is established (Fraiman et al.).

Now we're simply circling the drain.

Question to ask is, is Campbell going along to get along as he did in the first 2 years? I observe his extreme caution, self-censorial behaviour and arguable self-interest. He will it seems on no account jeopardise his YouTube following.

For example:

Walach et al. (2021), The Safety of COVID-19 Vaccinations — Should We Rethink the Policy?

Results: The NNTV is between 200 and 700 to prevent one case of COVID-19 for the mRNA vaccine marketed by Pfizer. NNTV to prevent one death is between 9,000 and 100,000 (95% confidence interval), with 16,000 as a point estimate. We observed strong variability in the number of Individual Case Safety Reports (ICSRs) per 100,000 vaccine doses across all EU member states. The estimate for the number of ICSRs per 100,000 vaccinations derived from the Lareb database was approximately 700. Among those, there were 16 serious ICSRs, and the number of ICSRs reporting fatal side-effects was at 4.11/100,000 vaccinations. Thus, for 6 (95% CI 2–11) deaths prevented by vaccination, there were approximately 4 deaths reported to Dutch Lareb that occurred after vaccination, yielding a potential risk/benefit ratio of 2:3.


Olliaro, Torreele and Vaillant (April 2021) NNV: 217 / ARR: 0.43 (citing Dagan, Barda, Kepten et al. NEJM Feb 2021)

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Actually the died suddenly didnt die of covid, so pfizer calls that a win.

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Too late, I’m afraid. It is not a vaccine. It is a gene injection counterweapon in a fake war against a fake agent pretending to be a threat to the USA (and world) which has nothing to do with health outcomes whatsoever. There is Not a virus. The entire episode during illegal tyrannical unnecessary lockdown was theatre designed to invoke fear and compliance.

Now the world knows WHO the evil bastards are. Fact.

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