I was out with a group of friends--they noticed how much brighter I was ----than them-almost to a man, they said they did not "feel themselves", they feel they are functioning at about 80% their norm. This is a group which thought I was an imbecile--now they are asking me what I do ..and didn't do (which they know)----!!
I was out with a group of friends--they noticed how much brighter I was ----than them-almost to a man, they said they did not "feel themselves", they feel they are functioning at about 80% their norm. This is a group which thought I was an imbecile--now they are asking me what I do ..and didn't do (which they know)----!!
I was out with a group of friends--they noticed how much brighter I was ----than them-almost to a man, they said they did not "feel themselves", they feel they are functioning at about 80% their norm. This is a group which thought I was an imbecile--now they are asking me what I do ..and didn't do (which they know)----!!