Th excellent team have published an article that details two decisions by the European Court of Justice around firstly, the contracts between the EU and Pfizer/BioNTech plus Moderna, and. secondly, the liability of these pharma companies for harms caused by defective products.
Here is a link to the article:
The EU Commission President and EU Commission have been instructed to “un-redact” all the terms of the contract that it has with the pharma companies, so that they can be properly scrutinized by those in charge of EU and sovereign countries – finding, correctly, that secrecy and censorship need to be tested against standards for corruption of politicians and bureaucrats.
Bit, even more importantly, the European Court ruled that big pharma is liable for harms caused by defective injections.
The EU Commission has 70 days to appeal.
“As regards the agreements’ provisions on the indemnification of the pharmaceutical undertakings by the Member States for any damages that those undertakings would have to pay in the event of their vaccines being defective, the General Court states that:
“a producer is liable for the damage caused by a defect in its product and its liability cannot be limited or excluded vis-à-vis the victim by a clause limiting, or providing an exemption from, liability under Directive 85/374.”
This is, or should be, an obvious ruling. But, in the context of the censorship, propaganda, mandates, deaths and harms caused by the “injections of evil” it is a seismic decision.
All the work, by the likes of Hedley Rees, Kevin McKernan, Dr Ana Mihalcea and a host of others on the adulterations (like fragments of monkey virus SV40), and contaminants (like leaked DNA, e coli, endotoxins, metals etc) are now in play for lawsuits by those harmed.
This liability is beyond the legal dodges that Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna will employ to avoid liability for PEG, unknown duration of modified mRNA production by the body, the toxicity of pseudo-uridine, the DNA alterations and so on. Big pharma will claim these are features, not faults, as per US DoD instructions, of the injections.
Other countries outside the EU, have similar laws on their books for the liability of manufacturers to harms caused by defective products – beyond the clear case that, even if the injections worked as intended, death and injury result from their use.
One of my first articles on SubStack, a few years ago, pointed to FDA regulations in the US, referencing these regulations (hopefully not impacted by the recent SCOTUS reversal of the “Chevron decision”!
Covid19 remedies - the legal ones - by Peter Halligan (
Definition: device from 21 USC § 321(h)(1) | LII / Legal Information Institute (
““A drug or device shall be deemed to be adulterated—
· (a)Poisonous, insanitary, etc., ingredients; adequate controls in manufacture
· (b)Strength, quality, or purity differing from official compendium
· (c)Misrepresentation of strength, etc., where drug is unrecognized in compendium
· (d)Mixture with or substitution of another substance
· (e)Devices not in conformity with performance standards
And this, that might be applied to contaminants – certainly it applies to quality controls:
· “(a)Reasonable assurance of safe and effective performance; periodic evaluation
· (b)Establishment of a standard
· (c)Recognition of standard
· (d)Pilot accreditation scheme for conformity assessment
The Court did not rule on the “bait and switch” of using different methodologies to understate DNA contamination and overstate RNA presence (to satisfy out of date RNA to DNA ratios) in the injections – an obvious fraud when Pfizer was seeking authorization, but leaving that aside, the task to prove “cause and effect” for harms and deaths at the individual level has been opened.
Is it possible to prove in court that the adulteration using the SV40 promoter/enabler caused specific cancers? How about the presence of base metals as a contaminant causing diabetes or Alzheimer’s?, or phosphates and sulphates causing over-production of fibrinogen?
That will be for other far more expert and better qualified people like Professor Angus Dalgleish and others to prove. Big pharma will adopt the “prove the negative” defence that has enabled it to avoid liability in the past. You know, the outcomes cannot be attributed to the treatment beyond background events because there is a bigger chance that either they made no difference, provided other benefits and there is no provable “cause and effect”.
In the meanwhile, those killed and harmed by the badly made injections of evil, remain financially, emotionally and societally distressed.
Many are seeking cures for each type of harm caused by the injections.
Legal costs are already thousands of times larger than the compensation paid out so far and more importantly, billions of research dollars are being spent on developing even more toxic injections of evil, rather than billions of dollars being spent on the cures for the evils created.
All funded by taxes, grants and subsidies authorized by a kakistocracy of corrupted and imbecilic politicians and bureaucrats.
All this in the context, for the US, of a 15% step increase of more than half a million extra deaths – from around 2.9 million a year in 2018/9 to 3.4 million a year for each of the calendar tears of the scamdemic.
Severe – life altering – events were around 12 times the number of deaths in the Pfizer Phase 3 clinical trials and serious – life threatening – events were five times higher than deaths.
Big pharms raked in hundreds of billions of dollars in profits and paid a small fraction in taxes.
That is the scale of corruption that prevails unchecked until, maybe just maybe, the badly made, contaminated and adulterated injections of evil can be prosecuted.
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Great news