From here, referencing Epoch Times, (link to ET below):
Chaos Breaks Out As Reporters Ask Fauci About COVID Origins | ZeroHedge
Chaos broke out in the White House press room on Tuesday, after multiple reporters asked Anthony Fauci questions about the origins of Covid-19 and related investigations.
As reporters began asking questions, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre attempted to shut down the discussion.
"We have a process here, I’m not calling on people who yell, and you’re being disrespectful to your colleagues and you’re being disrespectful to our guests," she said, scolding the journalists. "I will not call on you if you yell, and also you’re taking time off the clock because Dr. Fauci has to leave in a couple of minutes."
"You need to call people across the room! She has a valid question, she’s asked about the origin of COVID," a reporter from Africa Today shot back.
Fauci only ended up answering three questions - including one about House Republicans taking the majority in Congress and potentially investigating him.
Multiple GOP lawmakers have signaled they would call him to testify over the origins of the COVID-19 virus and his agency having provided funding to a third party to carry out controversial research in Wuhan, China.
The longtime federal official said that he has testified “hundreds of times” and would comply with Republicans if he is asked. Regarding questions about the origin of COVID-19, Fauci did not answer Tuesday. -Epoch Times
"I’ll let other people judge the value or not of my accomplishments, but I would like people to remember about what I’ve done, is that every day for all of those years I’ve given it everything that I have and I’ve never left anything on the field," Fauci said.
He then called on people to get updated COVID-19 booster shots.
"Whether you’re a far-right Republican or a far-left Democrat, it doesn’t make any difference to me," he said. "I look upon it the same way as I did in the emergency room in middle New York City when I was taking care of everybody who was coming in off the street."
More via The Epoch Times on Twitter: "NOW - Fauci: "My final message... get your updated COVID-19 shot."" / Twitter
The earliest versions of C19 were developed in US funded labs in eastern Ukraine - there were lab leaks there
in 2015
Immediately black noticed so that no further enquiries were made.
i suspect that hunter biden, ecohealth alliance and MetaBiota (in collusion with the CIA) got the french to build a biolab facility in wuhan, using NIH/NIAID/CIA funds.
The original Ukraine lab leak slowly migrated through north eastern europe to northern italy c19 was circulating i july 2019 in northern italy way before the reported lab leak in wuhan.
SARS-COV2 was in Italy 9 months BEFORE the WHO declared a PHEIC (
it was not diagnosed as C19, rather some sort of penumonia.
Two issues not addressed - one is the lives lost because of the ban on (almost free) IVM and HCQ protocols - with the use of $3,000 remdesivir and ventilators (with denial of food, vitamins and water - cases going through court
Criminal Prosecutions begin for Remdesivir treatments causing death (
and the ZH article earlier today
The Truth About Ivermectin | ZeroHedge
down with IVM, shout up with toxic, experimental c19 mRNA injections to get this
Now add in all the deaths from collateral death and misery from delayed or missed treatments caused by lockdowns, trillions of dollars spent on "fiscal measures" - guaranteed to have a 20% fraud component, factor in the global economic cost of diverting productive resources to producing a trillion masks, wet wipes, PPE, cleaning fluids, 13 billion needles, 20 billion test kits and you have some idea of the incredible stupidity from the WHO pandemic response - simulated in October 2019 and rolled out in February 2020.
An Inconvenient Truth - by Peter Halligan (
And the g20 meeting of political hacks just voted to pursue digital global "VACCINE" passports - even though the "vaccines" are NOT VACCINES, and do not prevent transmission, infection, hospitalization or death and the clinical trials were fraudulently conducted, plus the roll-out from a few tens of thousands of "fresh" vaccines to 13 billion doses of frozen, dethawed, multi-dose vials is entirely different and requires an entirely different set of quality controls to reflect "scaling up".
Those g20 "leaders" were voted in by a minority of people in each of their 20 countries they represent, because they can organize voters for socialism better than those that hate and mistrust ANY form of government enabled by central banks like the Fed - plus of course, socialists rig and steal elections and pay back those that help with fat contracts.
Fauci is a serial murderer.
unfortunately....Nuremberg trials are badly needed.....we have too many gutless people in our politicians.....i'm just an almost 80 year old.....the people of the world need to wake the hell up! The left is so corrupt they need to be obliterated...amd you cannot count on the right they are much too quiet in my opinion!