Fiction or fact? A “Star Chamber” views voters and politicians as “useless eaters” who are causing a national debt crisis - so it comes up with a plan to inject people with toxins to solve the problem
Bear with me in a dark flight off fancy! The following is obviously a huge conspiracy theory and almost certainly an outrageous fiction, not even remotely plausible - even with the billionaire eugenicists and their supporters who refuse to “go first”.
Let’s start with a few articles for context – blasts from the past, as it were.
From here in 2012:
The Real National Security Threat: America's Debt | Brookings
“First, we are headed for a level of debt that within a decade could require us to spend the first trillion dollars of every year’s federal budget servicing that debt..
Second, such a chronic economic decline would undercut what has been 70 years of strong national political consensus in favor of an activist and engaged American foreign policy.
Lastly, American economic weakness undercuts U.S. leadership abroad. “
Treasury debt at that time (2011/12) was 70% of GDP of around 16 trillion bucks – around 11 trillion of debt.
From here in 2018:
“Congressman Biggs, along with 34 original co-sponsors, introduced a House resolution recognizing the national debt as a threat to national security. This resolution comes as America's national debt is quickly approaching $22 trillion dollars,..”
A little over 110% of GDP of around 20 trillion dollars.
From here in 2020 – a few months after the health emergency was declared.
America’s debt threatens our national security | The Hill
“As debt moves higher, the interest costs alone on the debt will begin to overwhelm other government spending. Already by 2023, interest on the debt will exceed the cost of our current defense budget. That’s a huge threat to our national security.”
And what do the numbers look like now?
From here:
Debt issued by the US Government is almost 33 trillion bucks, annualising second quarter 2023 GDP is around 27 trillion bucks, so Government debt to GDP is a little over 120% - up from 70% ten years ago in 2012 and 110% five year ago In 2018.
But wait! What’s that 123.26 trillion bucks in that bottom row? Well, that is the amount needed to fund future promises made by following massive military spending and pork barrel socialist welfare state policies over decades. The 33 trillion in US National Debt that is the shortfall from past promises.
Here’s an article from November 2022 that describes how the unfunded liabilities are worked out:
“The problem posed by unfunded public liabilities is a relatively new one in U.S. history. It has only been over the past half century that the combination of an aging population and the modern entitlement system has pushed the federal government toward a financial crisis. “
“.. with Social Security and Medicare included in the assessment, the federal government’s unfunded liabilities in 2021 are $93.1 trillion, or nearly 400 percent of annual GDP. That compares with $11.1 trillion as calculated in the 2001 Treasury report, which was 105 percent of GDP.”
A little work needed to get from 93 trillion in 2021 to the Debt Clock number of 123 trillion! (Feel free to reconcile the two!).
Note that does not include future fiscal deficits not related to Social Security and Medicare. Note also that Social Security and Medicare have CPI linked payments. 2022 CPI was 7.5% and was 3.2% p.a. for July 2023.
So, there’s the size of the “national security risk”. 156 trillion dollars (32.8 for the past and 123.3 trillion for future Social Security and Medicare ONLY (not any other deficit not met by taxation.
This would usually mean massive tax increases and huge public spending cuts, but that is not an option articulated by any of the two parties. (Think an extra 25% on top of your current taxes and at least 10% reduction in annual government spending to produce a fiscal SURPLUS for the few decades it will take to return debt to GDP to under 70% (back to pre-Obama era years).
So here’s the speculative “Hollywood blockbuster” hypothesis.
Suppose a “star chamber” existed that took the national debt as a threat to the future of the USA.
Suppose that star chamber took the view that the unfunded liabilities of 123 trillion bucks represented the most “clear and present danger” of all those facing the USA.
Suppose that the star chamber knew of a way to eradicate most if not all of the unfunded liabilities with a disease that removes those over 65 entirely and shifts the burden for those younger who become sicker and die onto private insurance providers.
What, what, what??
Here’s how it works.
To achieve such a reduction, it will be necessary to create a massive number of Life Years Lost.
I have postulated that, maybe, the impact of the C19 mRNA injections as equal to 10% times the number of injections times remaining pre-injection average life years left.
For the US, with an average age of 36, remaining average life of 40 years injected 2.5 times, average life expectancy will be reduced by ten years to 66.
What is the retirement age?
How much of any deteriorating health conditions are insured v uninsured?
For the US as a whole, the number of life years lost = 338 million times 10 years = 3.38 billion life years lost with the quality life years lost paid for by insurance companies (who will be jacking up premiums for the life insurance, health insurance etc.
This is all predicated on the “star chamber” having already tested and discovered the lethality of injections in some way (or country, like Ukraine) and having foreknowledge that injections could be mandated.
Not a bad plot for a blockbuster movie?
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I'd say pretty accurate.
My employers health care provider recently sent out a questionnaire to staff via the company tagged as about well being, it was sold as confidential but with a financial incentive prize to complete.
1st question ... Name
2nd question email address.
Various question re diet none about general vax status but buried in the questionnaire were a series of questions re Covid vax status, number of jabs, had you had, had you caught covid etc.
Seems most staff declined to complete this (judging by the exhortations to complete it
However I am pretty convinced the insurer is seeking to determine risk and hence premiums from vax status as no doubt they see the life actuarial data like the rest of us who follow Ed Dowd.
My favorite T-Shirt says "Useless Eater." I wear it so often that the receipts I get from one restaurant list my name as "Useless."
I consider it an "everyman name." It's how the government regards all of us.