Had to comment as this has been rattling around in my brain since you posted it.
It is not crazy. It makes a lot of sense.
Logical sense.
Lets talk about a star chamber. We aren't really run by who we think we are....our govt is just a puppet or
facade for something/one/people much deeper under th radar...maybe the entire network of global NGOs, starting with the UN, etc. and they will not cede power easily. This makes it very easy for them to
keep power, while working on how to alter us to become docile slaves.
Think of Deagel. Think of the Day Tapes, the Committee of 300, etc.
What an easy and simple way to slowly cull people and take the drain off the SS system. I'm sure they knew they wouldn't get everyone over 65, so they also did pregnant women and now children.
All for national security...which is the ostensible reason...the real reason is the globalists power structure which is fundementally based on fiat currency...which is also coming to an end.
In the UK, 2021, Retirement packages for public sector workers have left the country with a £2.4 trillion liability, according to the analysis. The national debt is £2.2 trillion.
In 2023, in case the increment is the same as in the US, UK public sector pensions = 3.17 and national debt = 2.9 trillion; total 6 trillion plus the extra 'military expendure. Would that make 12 trillion (10% of US) unfunded liability; to be covered by covid shots and war and other means of depopulation?
My employers health care provider recently sent out a questionnaire to staff via the company tagged as about well being, it was sold as confidential but with a financial incentive prize to complete.
1st question ... Name
2nd question email address.
Various question re diet none about general vax status but buried in the questionnaire were a series of questions re Covid vax status, number of jabs, had you had, had you caught covid etc.
Seems most staff declined to complete this (judging by the exhortations to complete it
However I am pretty convinced the insurer is seeking to determine risk and hence premiums from vax status as no doubt they see the life actuarial data like the rest of us who follow Ed Dowd.
Years ago my boyfriend and I knew that the boomers were gonna be a big problem. We used to joke that after seeing what they paid to Mr, Fica...they would just hit us over the head with baseball bats. Voila..problem solved.
I am thinking that the election cannot be declared rigged as that would mean every dollar in spending and increase in debt was "odious", hence null and void.
Had to comment as this has been rattling around in my brain since you posted it.
It is not crazy. It makes a lot of sense.
Logical sense.
Lets talk about a star chamber. We aren't really run by who we think we are....our govt is just a puppet or
facade for something/one/people much deeper under th radar...maybe the entire network of global NGOs, starting with the UN, etc. and they will not cede power easily. This makes it very easy for them to
keep power, while working on how to alter us to become docile slaves.
Think of Deagel. Think of the Day Tapes, the Committee of 300, etc.
What an easy and simple way to slowly cull people and take the drain off the SS system. I'm sure they knew they wouldn't get everyone over 65, so they also did pregnant women and now children.
All for national security...which is the ostensible reason...the real reason is the globalists power structure which is fundementally based on fiat currency...which is also coming to an end.
Makes sense. So much sense.
In the UK, 2021, Retirement packages for public sector workers have left the country with a £2.4 trillion liability, according to the analysis. The national debt is £2.2 trillion.
In 2023, in case the increment is the same as in the US, UK public sector pensions = 3.17 and national debt = 2.9 trillion; total 6 trillion plus the extra 'military expendure. Would that make 12 trillion (10% of US) unfunded liability; to be covered by covid shots and war and other means of depopulation?
well, at the current cable (US$/£) rate of 1.27, 6 trillion pounds = 7.6 trillion dollars.
The US has roughly five times the population of the UK, so, adjusting for that factor of 5, that works out at 38.1 trillion dollars - much less.
To get to a comparison, you would have to estimate the present value of health care costs for the over 65's in the UK and scale it by the factor of 5.
Then add that to your 3.17 trillion times 5 number.
Is your 3.17 trillion number the present value of all pensions provided by the state (for the UK general public and government employees?)
US Medicare costs shown approximate the present value of health care for over 65;s.
There is another US program called Medicaid not included in the US centric article that provides health care for the poor.
I'd say pretty accurate.
My employers health care provider recently sent out a questionnaire to staff via the company tagged as about well being, it was sold as confidential but with a financial incentive prize to complete.
1st question ... Name
2nd question email address.
Various question re diet none about general vax status but buried in the questionnaire were a series of questions re Covid vax status, number of jabs, had you had, had you caught covid etc.
Seems most staff declined to complete this (judging by the exhortations to complete it
However I am pretty convinced the insurer is seeking to determine risk and hence premiums from vax status as no doubt they see the life actuarial data like the rest of us who follow Ed Dowd.
Years ago my boyfriend and I knew that the boomers were gonna be a big problem. We used to joke that after seeing what they paid to Mr, Fica...they would just hit us over the head with baseball bats. Voila..problem solved.
I am thinking that the election cannot be declared rigged as that would mean every dollar in spending and increase in debt was "odious", hence null and void.
My favorite T-Shirt says "Useless Eater." I wear it so often that the receipts I get from one restaurant list my name as "Useless."
I consider it an "everyman name." It's how the government regards all of us.
Not sure that is a good thing! haha