Apr 14, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Yes, the acknowledgment is nice, but wayyy tooo late. Anyone with half a brain cell knows you don’t take experiential vaccines under any circumstances. In fact the information is out there and has been before this gubment psyop, covid, that there is NO such thing as a safe vaccine.

And my question is exactly how do you budget for a human life? Answer, you don’t! You simply cannot put a price tag on Gods creation.

Me, I’m more of an eye for an eye kinda of gal. Keep your blood money I want you swinging from the gallows!

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

WOW a measly 1,500 for a permanently damaged heart the will cost millions in a life time to live with, sorry I don’t see any win here.

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

I supect a kidney is only worth a couple hundred bucks then. Ugh.

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I was appalled, horrified having read and heard some accounts.

Can I say that, generally, often, nobody cares about us? Except

as we pay taxes, buy things, work for low wages. Used. Abused.

There ARE exceptions. Let me spread some light here saying how

I made a mess of a GOVERNMENT form(a big no, no) for tax relief.

The government officials STRUGGLED to make sense of it, and

got me the benefit. So, there COULD be exceptions?!

Otherwise, knowing you're 'on your own', except for those concerned, excellent writers (like yourself and others) become

your future help and guide. We can and will help each other.

We need platforms, maybe, I don't know, people could ask

what to do? Options? Or groups they could form?

Those poor people who filed wouldn't cover their fees!!

I'd say they needed a platform to join up with others, go together.

Get a stronger lawyer.

I think US must impeach the president, and stop being intimidated that Kamala Harris will mess us(she will), but maybe not as much

as this leader?

He's using that.

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