Wow! Looks like a description of my life in a way. Stuff I knew because of my own experiences. It’s those who have gene mutations which mean their bodies can’t process metals as efficiently as others that are the ones who get autism spectrum disorders.

I do not have adhd or autism but I’ve had multiple exposures throughout life to metals from dental work and PMMA bone cement used in back surgery.

I’ve had to have 2 spinal implants removed due to hypersensitivity to them.

I have had the symptoms of autism spectrum disorder on a few different occasions due to exposure to metals but have always “cured” it again by removing the exposure to the metals.

In about 2017 blood tests showed toxic levels of mercury in my blood although my amalgam fillings had been removed in 2008/9. This is because my body is inefficient at dealing with metal toxins.

Vaccines caused the symptoms in the past and is why I had to stop getting vaccinated decades ago.

Yes the metals in vaccines cause autism and autism spectrum disorders and the literature proves it

The problem is the pharmaceutical industry and dodgy researchers have been using their power and resources to deny the obvious reality of what’s going on.

And drs have been complicit for fear of losing their careers if they contradicted the vaccine manufacturers and captured medical authorities.

Only a fool would continue to believe that metals in vaccines aren’t the biggest cause of autism and autism spectrum disorders

As the references in this post show, aluminium has even been found in the brains of those with autism


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Steve Kirsch has been demonstrating the causal link between vaccines and autism recently.

https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/how-can-i-be-so-sure-that-vaccines ? I asked the ONE question that no autism researcher has EVER asked.

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Yes I listened to the tail end of the twitter spaces event on it the other day and got to have my say

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Thanks PH. So? 2018. "Concerns" raised. Then what? NOTHING. Since then millions, harmed, damaged, dead. Yet still the injections continue worldwide.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Wow! 22% regular truancy!

I went to many schools in England prior to 1975 (air force kid) - truancy was rare or non-existent all over the country. Maybe the administrators are making the numbers up? Hard to believe it has risen so high!

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

I was wondering the same thing. I saw couple months ago in the USA missing children from schools ? I’m not really sure if numbers are accurate. But I do know they aren’t doing good my 2 neighbors are teachers and they are frustrated because of the lockdown and kids education system https://hechingerreport.org/thousands-of-kids-are-missing-from-school-where-did-they-go/

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